- All members of the AWMA FMBB World Championship Team are representatives of AWMA and shall strive to conduct themselves in an exemplary manner both on and off the field. Team members include the competitors, alternates, and Team Captain.
- All Team members, including the alternate, shall wear their uniforms during competition and at all official events such as draw night, opening. and closing ceremonies.
- Any member of the Team who conducts him or herself in an unsportsmanlike manner or engages in any other actions that are contrary to the best interests of the Team, shall be subject to disciplinary action, including dismissal. The decision to dismiss a Team member before the Team leaves for the Championship shall be by two‐thirds vote of the AWMA World Championship/National Events Committee. After departure to the competition, the Team Captain can initiate disciplinary action against a Team member. The Team Captain shall present evidence of the infraction to the President and the Chair of the World Championship/National Event Committee. The Team Captain, President, and the Committee Chair shall collectively decide if the competitor shall be dismissed from the Team or if other disciplinary action should be pursued then or in the future through a Board of Inquiry hearing.
- Any disciplinary action taken against a Team member for detrimental conduct while traveling to or attending the FMBB competition shall be filed in a report from the Team Captain to the World Championship/National Events Committee no later than 30 days after the Team Captain returns from the FMBB Championship. The WC/NE Committee shall then forward the report to the Board of Inquiry for review.
- Team members have the recourse of filing a BOI report if they believe that a Team Captain has acted in a manner that is not in the best interest of the AWMA.
- Competitor responsibilities shall include:
- Provide Team Captain with any missing information required for qualifications i.e., missing tattoo/chips, paperwork, current vaccination, passport information, etc.
- Be conscious of:
- The hosting country’s language, location, monetary conversion, etc.
- You and your dog’s well‐being while overseas.
- Allowable equipment, training methods, food, medicine, crates, etc. while traveling.
- The hosting country’s language, location, monetary conversion, etc.
- Review and be familiar with:
- Itinerary.
- All competitor and event correspondence
- Provide information and/or payment as needed to the Team Captain for items such as:
- Air travel reservations.
- Ground transportation to and from the airport to the host hotel.
- Host hotel lodging.
- Team uniforms.
- Air travel reservations.
- Participate and attend training program prior to departure to the FMBB World Championship, if
provided (Agility only). - Participate and attend training program in the host country of the FMBB World Championship.
- Be available to the Team Captain and other competitors.
- Attend:
- AWMA Team meetings.
- Draw night, dinners, and other social events offered by the FMBB or hosting club.
- AWMA Team meetings.
- Provide Team Captain with any missing information required for qualifications i.e., missing tattoo/chips, paperwork, current vaccination, passport information, etc.
- AWMA Team members are expected to arrive at their overseas destination at least three (3) days prior to competition but no less than one day before the draw so the Team Captain will be able to hold at least one team meeting before the draw and so that all Team members attend any team practices, if offered. Team members who want to arrive earlier must make their own arrangements.
- In the event that an alternate chooses to travel with the Team, the alternate will function as the Assistant Team Captain.