Policy for Maintaining Full Member Club Status and Eligibility to Vote at the Annual Meeting |
- Club dues are payable in full by July 1 of each year with a grace period until August 1. If dues are not paid by August 1, the club will be removed from the club roster. No club that is delinquent in their dues is eligible to vote within their region.
- To maintain full member status in the AWMA each club must have hosted or have scheduled an AWMA IGP trial by October 1 of the year the annual general board meeting is held. This event must be held by December 31 of that same year. If a club cannot host a trial, they may use an event approved by their regional director as a substitute; this event must be scheduled by October 1 to be held by December 31. Examples of acceptable events are holding an AWMA training day (could be open to anyone), hosting a training seminar for participants from within and outside the club, hosting a club obedience and/or protection fun tournament, or conducting a fundraising event for the AWMA FMBB and/or FCI team members. Clubs must contact their regional director to ensure that their event meets the intent of this provision and it must be listed on the AWMA website. Any club that hosts the AWMA National IGP Championship is automatically exempt from hosting an event in the year following the championship. (revision of policy enacted November 2016)
- Under extenuating circumstances, a club can request a waiver to not hold any event from their regional director that is approved by the executive board. A club may not request a waiver in consecutive years.
- Clubs that have not scheduled an event as outlined in (2) above or requested a waiver prior to the annual meeting are ineligible to vote at the AWMA annual meeting. Clubs must also show evidence that their AWMA members are up to date with their dues to be eligible to vote.
- Failure to hold an annual event without acquiring a waiver by the end of the calendar year will result in the club being listed as an affiliate club. If an event is not held the next year, the club will be removed from the club roster.
- New clubs are exempt from end of year requirements only in the year in which they become members.
- With the assistance of the regional directors and AWMA treasurer, the AWMA secretary will maintain up to date records on each club to include correct club contact, date that new clubs are admitted to the AWMA, date of club dues payment, date and type of club event (trial or other authorized event), date of award of waiver (if appropriate), and confirmation of dues payment of club members.