The AWMA will accept any judge from an AWDF member club who has completed a judge’s program that has been reviewed and approved by the AWDF. Likewise, any IGP judge licensed by an FCI organization who is approved to judge internationally is acceptable. If there is a question about the acceptability of a specific judge, contact the AWMA Director of Judges.
Once a judge has been identified, it is acceptable to contact that judge to see if they are available to officiate at your trial. The name of the judge should be submitted along with other trial information (location, date, titles to be offered) to your regional director. After approval by the regional director, the request will be forwarded to the AWMA Director of Judges for approval. The electronic Event Application, sends these emails automatically.
Following approval of the trial and the judge, there are several routes to follow depending on the organization that your judge represents.
If you have requested an AWMA judge, no further action is required. If you use an AWMA judge you are entitled to a $100 rebate from the organization.
To obtain an international FCI judge, the trial information must be sent to the AWDF Secretary (email is acceptable) or use this link:
Once a judge has been identified, it is acceptable to contact that judge to see if they are available to officiate at your trial. The name of the judge should be submitted along with other trial information (location, date, titles to be offered) to your regional director. After approval by the regional director, the request will be forwarded to the AWMA Director of Judges for approval. The electronic Event Application, sends these emails automatically.
Following approval of the trial and the judge, there are several routes to follow depending on the organization that your judge represents.
If you have requested an AWMA judge, no further action is required. If you use an AWMA judge you are entitled to a $100 rebate from the organization.
To obtain an international FCI judge, the trial information must be sent to the AWDF Secretary (email is acceptable) or use this link:
Please include contact information for the judge, the country in which the judge is based, and if possible, contact information for that kennel club. The AWDF Secretary will contact the kennel club for authorization. Foreign kennel clubs can often take several months to respond, so please submit your request early.
When requesting a DVG judge, all applications and requests must be sent to the LV/DVG America Director of Judges. By DVG/Germany rules, no judge can be assigned or accept an assignment to a trial that the application has not gone through the Landesverband Director of Judges, whether that's here or in Germany.
If other club’s judges are being requested, contact that club for their requirements for procuring one of their judges.
When requesting a DVG judge, all applications and requests must be sent to the LV/DVG America Director of Judges. By DVG/Germany rules, no judge can be assigned or accept an assignment to a trial that the application has not gone through the Landesverband Director of Judges, whether that's here or in Germany.
If other club’s judges are being requested, contact that club for their requirements for procuring one of their judges.