Motion for vote: December 6, 2019
Motion to accept revised championship contract
Poll closed December 20 and passed
7 Yes Anne Camper, Christopher Smith, Carol Karchnak, Katie Finlay, Olga Baram, Randall Hoadley, Jill Lyden
Did not vote Annie Wildmoser, Christina Hansel, Michelle Kutelis
Poll closed December 20 and passed
7 Yes Anne Camper, Christopher Smith, Carol Karchnak, Katie Finlay, Olga Baram, Randall Hoadley, Jill Lyden
Did not vote Annie Wildmoser, Christina Hansel, Michelle Kutelis
Motion for vote: December 4, 2019
Motion to accept Metro Detroit Schutzhund and Police K9 as full AWMA club
Poll closed December 18 and passed
Yes Anne Camper, Jill Lyden, Carol Karchnak, Randall Hoadley, Olga Baram, Katie Finlay, Annie Wildmoser, Michelle Kutelis
Poll closed December 18 and passed
Yes Anne Camper, Jill Lyden, Carol Karchnak, Randall Hoadley, Olga Baram, Katie Finlay, Annie Wildmoser, Michelle Kutelis
2019 event waiver for Southern New Hampshire Working Malinois Club
Poll closed December 19 and passed
Yes Anne Camper, Christopher Smith, Jill Lyden, Randall Hoadley, Olga Baram, Katie Finlay, Annie Wildmoser, Michelle Kutelis
Poll closed December 19 and passed
Yes Anne Camper, Christopher Smith, Jill Lyden, Randall Hoadley, Olga Baram, Katie Finlay, Annie Wildmoser, Michelle Kutelis
Motion for vote: December 2, 2019
Vote to accept Randall Hoadley as a fully licensed AWMA judge
Poll closed December 16, 2019 and passed.
6 yes, 2 no, 2 did not vote
Poll closed December 16, 2019 and passed.
6 yes, 2 no, 2 did not vote
BOI: Guidry vs Hoadley
The Board of Inquiry received an undated complaint in November by certified mail. Linda Guidry contended that the election conducted for the Southern Region Assistant Regional Director by Randall Hoadley was done incorrectly according to the bylaws. The charges were deemed not relevant and dismissed because the position was vacant and therefore the election could be held at any time.
Respectfully submitted on December 16, 2019
Monty Ellison BOI Chairman, Dana Miller BOI Committee Member, Natalia Balabanov BOI Committee Member
Respectfully submitted on December 16, 2019
Monty Ellison BOI Chairman, Dana Miller BOI Committee Member, Natalia Balabanov BOI Committee Member
BOI: Carlson vs Smith
The Board of Inquiry received a complaint dated November 5, 2019 by certified mail. The complaint was filed by AWMA Secretary Kim Yeager for Scott Carlson (not an AWMA member) against Christopher Smith.
The charge claimed that there was an altercation between Mr. Carlson and Mr. Smith at the 2019 AWMA National IGP Championship. A video was included as evidence.
After reviewing the charges, the AWMA Board of Inquiry found that this BOI was not relevant and dismissed the charges because it was improperly filed. AWMA members can’t file a BOI on the behalf of Non AWMA Members.
Respectfully submitted on December 2, 2019.
Monty Ellison BOI Chairman, Dana Miller BOI Committee Member, Diamond Hansel BOI Committee Member
The charge claimed that there was an altercation between Mr. Carlson and Mr. Smith at the 2019 AWMA National IGP Championship. A video was included as evidence.
After reviewing the charges, the AWMA Board of Inquiry found that this BOI was not relevant and dismissed the charges because it was improperly filed. AWMA members can’t file a BOI on the behalf of Non AWMA Members.
Respectfully submitted on December 2, 2019.
Monty Ellison BOI Chairman, Dana Miller BOI Committee Member, Diamond Hansel BOI Committee Member
Motion for vote: November 19, 2019
Motion to accept policy for maintaining full member club status and eligibility to vote at the annual meeting
Poll closed December 3, 2019 and passed.
Yes Anne Camper, Kim Yeager, Christina Hansel, Randall Hoadley, Annie Wildmoser, Katie Finlay
Poll closed December 3, 2019 and passed.
Yes Anne Camper, Kim Yeager, Christina Hansel, Randall Hoadley, Annie Wildmoser, Katie Finlay
Motion to accept Lake Valley WDC as a full member club of the AWMA.
Poll closed December 3, 2019 and passed
Yes: Anne Camper, Christina Hansel, Carol Karchnak, Michelle Kutelis, Kim Yeager, Annie Wildmoser, Katie Finlay, Randall Hoadley
Poll closed December 3, 2019 and passed
Yes: Anne Camper, Christina Hansel, Carol Karchnak, Michelle Kutelis, Kim Yeager, Annie Wildmoser, Katie Finlay, Randall Hoadley
Motion for vote: November 12, 2019
Motion to accept New Haven AWMA as a full member club of the AWMA
Yes Anne Camper, Kim Yeager, Carol Karchnak, Katie Finlay, Randall Hoadley, Annie Wildmoser, Christina Hansel
Poll closed November 26, 2019 and passed
Yes Anne Camper, Kim Yeager, Carol Karchnak, Katie Finlay, Randall Hoadley, Annie Wildmoser, Christina Hansel
Poll closed November 26, 2019 and passed
Motion to accept Man O'War Working Dog Club as a full member club of the AWMA
Yes Anne Camper, Kim Yeager, Carol Karchnak, Randall Hoadley, Annie Wildmoser, Michelle Kutelis
Poll closed November 26, 2019 and passed.
Yes Anne Camper, Kim Yeager, Carol Karchnak, Randall Hoadley, Annie Wildmoser, Michelle Kutelis
Poll closed November 26, 2019 and passed.
Board of Inquiry: Camper vs Singleton
The Board of Inquiry received a complaint dated September 19, 2019 by certified mail. The complaint was filed by AWMA President Anne Camper against Mr. Waine Singleton.
Mr. Waine Singleton, AWMA performance judge and Northern Region director, used a pejorative term (faggot) in an online post that became public. The assertion was that this adversely affects the AWMA and our reputation as an open, unbiased, non-discriminatory organization and has the potential to discourage members of the LGBTQ+ community from associating with the AWMA and entering trials at which he may officiate. Screen captures of the pejorative were sent by an AWMA member.
The use of the pejorative in the screen capture between Mr. Singleton and Mr. Feliciano represents sex/gender discrimination in addition to sexual orientation discrimination. The exchange references negative stereotypes related to sex- based characteristics, and what are considered to be sex/gender norms.
An incident that is motivated by bias includes offensive conduct or language toward a person or group because of membership in a protected class (actual or perceived race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, genetic discrimination or veteran status). The term “faggot” is a vulgar and derogatory epithet used to target the gay community. It is a pejorative term primarily used to refer to gay men but may also be used to refer to lesbians. It is not a benign insult; in the LGBTQ+ community it has the same connotation as “nigger” for African Americans. Mr. Singleton’s use of this language indicates bias against the protected classes of both sex/gender and sexual orientation.
In addition to the unfavorable perception and potential for legal action against the AWMA created by Mr. Singleton’s use of the pejorative against a protected class, specific organizational policies were violated. One is the American Working Dog Federation requirements for member clubs to foster a strong and positive public image to support AWDF objectives and the second being the AWMA statement of the conduct of judges (A judge is a representative of AWMA on and off the field at all times; A judge must always be fair and unbiased in their work; A judge should always conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner).
Mr. Singleton acted against the best interests and the reputation of the AWMA by using a pejorative against a protected class, exposed the AWMA to potential legal action, and put the AWMA at risk for not adhering to the AWDF’s requirements for member clubs. As a judge, he specifically violated the AWMA’s judges conduct requirements to act as a representative on and off the field. His behavior called into question his ability to be unbiased in his judging work. It was certainly unsportsmanlike.
This was the second time charges were brought against him, with the first charge resulting in a 30-day suspension of his license (September 19, 2018.)
The Board of Inquiry recommended revocation of Mr. Singleton’s license to judge and suspension of membership for 3 years. The AWMA executive board reviewed all submitted materials (original charge, response from Mr. Singleton, recommendations from the BOI). The executive board, with a majority vote, upheld the recommendation for revocation of Mr. Singleton’s license to judge and the three-year membership suspension.
Charges were implemented November 18, 2019
Mr. Waine Singleton, AWMA performance judge and Northern Region director, used a pejorative term (faggot) in an online post that became public. The assertion was that this adversely affects the AWMA and our reputation as an open, unbiased, non-discriminatory organization and has the potential to discourage members of the LGBTQ+ community from associating with the AWMA and entering trials at which he may officiate. Screen captures of the pejorative were sent by an AWMA member.
The use of the pejorative in the screen capture between Mr. Singleton and Mr. Feliciano represents sex/gender discrimination in addition to sexual orientation discrimination. The exchange references negative stereotypes related to sex- based characteristics, and what are considered to be sex/gender norms.
An incident that is motivated by bias includes offensive conduct or language toward a person or group because of membership in a protected class (actual or perceived race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, genetic discrimination or veteran status). The term “faggot” is a vulgar and derogatory epithet used to target the gay community. It is a pejorative term primarily used to refer to gay men but may also be used to refer to lesbians. It is not a benign insult; in the LGBTQ+ community it has the same connotation as “nigger” for African Americans. Mr. Singleton’s use of this language indicates bias against the protected classes of both sex/gender and sexual orientation.
In addition to the unfavorable perception and potential for legal action against the AWMA created by Mr. Singleton’s use of the pejorative against a protected class, specific organizational policies were violated. One is the American Working Dog Federation requirements for member clubs to foster a strong and positive public image to support AWDF objectives and the second being the AWMA statement of the conduct of judges (A judge is a representative of AWMA on and off the field at all times; A judge must always be fair and unbiased in their work; A judge should always conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner).
Mr. Singleton acted against the best interests and the reputation of the AWMA by using a pejorative against a protected class, exposed the AWMA to potential legal action, and put the AWMA at risk for not adhering to the AWDF’s requirements for member clubs. As a judge, he specifically violated the AWMA’s judges conduct requirements to act as a representative on and off the field. His behavior called into question his ability to be unbiased in his judging work. It was certainly unsportsmanlike.
This was the second time charges were brought against him, with the first charge resulting in a 30-day suspension of his license (September 19, 2018.)
The Board of Inquiry recommended revocation of Mr. Singleton’s license to judge and suspension of membership for 3 years. The AWMA executive board reviewed all submitted materials (original charge, response from Mr. Singleton, recommendations from the BOI). The executive board, with a majority vote, upheld the recommendation for revocation of Mr. Singleton’s license to judge and the three-year membership suspension.
Charges were implemented November 18, 2019
Motion for vote: November 13, 2019
In the matter of Camper v. Singleton, I vote to follow the BOI committee’s recommendation of 3 years membership suspension and permanent revocation of Waine Singleton’s judging license.
Passed with majority vote closed November 18, 2019
Passed with majority vote closed November 18, 2019
Motion for vote: November 4, 2019
Motion to proceed with tax exempt application and pay the $850.00 fee
Yes: Anne Camper, Kim Yeager, Carol Karchnak, Annie Wildmoser, Randall Hoadley, Katie Finlay, Michelle Kutelis, Christina Hansel
Poll closed November 18, 2019 and passed
Yes: Anne Camper, Kim Yeager, Carol Karchnak, Annie Wildmoser, Randall Hoadley, Katie Finlay, Michelle Kutelis, Christina Hansel
Poll closed November 18, 2019 and passed
Motion for vote: November 3, 2019
Motion for waiver for Spirit Working Dog Club for 2019
Yes: Annie Wildmoser, Randall Hoadley, Anne Camper, Katie Finlay, Michelle Kutelis
No: Carol Karchnak, Kim Yeager
Poll closed November 17, 2019 and passed
Yes: Annie Wildmoser, Randall Hoadley, Anne Camper, Katie Finlay, Michelle Kutelis
No: Carol Karchnak, Kim Yeager
Poll closed November 17, 2019 and passed
Motion for vote: November 1, 2019
Motion for event waiver for Florida WDC for 2019
Yes: Randall Hoadley, Anne Camper, Annie Wildmoser, Glenn Stephenson, Katie Finlay
No: Carol Karchnak
Poll closed November 15, 2019 and passed
Yes: Randall Hoadley, Anne Camper, Annie Wildmoser, Glenn Stephenson, Katie Finlay
No: Carol Karchnak
Poll closed November 15, 2019 and passed
Motion for vote: October 5, 2019
Motion to accept the changes proposed by Anne to the AWMA Judges' Program Policy. Annie Wildmoser, Katie Finlay
7 yes
2 no
Poll closed October 19, 2019 and passed
7 yes
2 no
Poll closed October 19, 2019 and passed
Motion for vote: October 3, 2019
Motion that the AWMA supplies every current board member, and future board members, with a copy of Roberts Rules of Order. Christopher Smith, Annie Wildmoser
5 yes
1 no
Poll closed October 17, 2019 and passed
5 yes
1 no
Poll closed October 17, 2019 and passed
Motion for vote: September 28, 2019
Motion to accept OG Indianapolis as a full AWMA member club. Waine Singleton, Christina Hansel
8 yes
1 abstain
Poll closed October 13, 2019 and passed
8 yes
1 abstain
Poll closed October 13, 2019 and passed
Motion for vote: September 27, 2019
Motion to accept Josh Markow as an AWMA apprentice judge. Carol Karchnak, Kim Yeager
9 yes
Poll closed October 12, 2019 and passed.
9 yes
Poll closed October 12, 2019 and passed.
Motion for vote: September 21, 2019
Motion to accept revised trial guidelines; corections plus revised section on scorebook bonds. Carol Karchnak, Kim Yeager
9 yes
Poll closed October 6 and passed
9 yes
Poll closed October 6 and passed
Motion for vote: September 11, 2019
Motion to increase scorebook fees to $25. Randall Hoadley, Carol Karchnack
7 yes
Poll closed September 26, 2019 and passed.
7 yes
Poll closed September 26, 2019 and passed.
Motion for vote: August 27, 2019
Motion to accept DFW Malinois Club as a full member AWMA club. Katie Finlay, Jim Downey
6 yes
2 abstain
Poll closed September 10 and passed.
6 yes
2 abstain
Poll closed September 10 and passed.
Motion for vote: August 22, 2019
Motion to accept Lafayette Working Dog Club as a full member club of the AWMA. Katie Finlay, Christina Hansel
9 yes
Poll closed September 6, 2019 and passed.
9 yes
Poll closed September 6, 2019 and passed.
Motion for vote: June 19, 2019
Motion to accept the Connecticut Working Malinois Club as a full member club of the AWMA. Carol Karchnack, Waine Singleton
7 yes
Poll closed August 3, 2019 and passed.
7 yes
Poll closed August 3, 2019 and passed.
Motion for vote: June 5, 2019
Motion to accept Tim Karchnack as an AWMA probationary judge. Christopher Smith, Kim Yeager
9 yes
Polled closed June 20, 2019 and passed.
9 yes
Polled closed June 20, 2019 and passed.
Motion for vote: June 4, 2019
Motion that Maverick Sporthund be accepted as a full member club of the AWMA. Linda Guidry, Kim Yeager
9 yes
Poll closed June 19 and passed.
9 yes
Poll closed June 19 and passed.
Motion for vote: May 24, 2019
Motion to provide Mark Saccoccio with $1000 in recognition of his work as team captain for the 2019 FMBB team. Christina Hansel, Katie Finaly
7 yes
Poll closed June 8, 2019 and passed.
7 yes
Poll closed June 8, 2019 and passed.
Motion for vote: April 17, 2019
Motion to accept Tri-State as a full member club. Waine Singleton, Christina Hansel
7 yes
Poll closed May 1, 2019 and passed.
7 yes
Poll closed May 1, 2019 and passed.
BOI: Wildmoser v Stark

boiwildmoservstark.pdf |
AWMA Board of Inquiry
Findings and Recommendations to the AWMA Executive Board
In the matter of Annie Wildmoser vs Angie Stark
Board of Inquiry Members
Dana Miller, Diamond Hansel, Monty Ellison, BOI Chairman
The Board of Inquiry agreed on these findings:
After reviewing the charges filed by Mrs. Annie Wildmoser, the AWMA Board of Inquiry by majority vote concludes that all charges are without merit for the following reason:
Monty Ellison, BOI Chairman Dana Miller, BOI Committee Member Diamond Hansel, BOI Committee Member
Findings and Recommendations to the AWMA Executive Board
In the matter of Annie Wildmoser vs Angie Stark
Board of Inquiry Members
Dana Miller, Diamond Hansel, Monty Ellison, BOI Chairman
The Board of Inquiry agreed on these findings:
After reviewing the charges filed by Mrs. Annie Wildmoser, the AWMA Board of Inquiry by majority vote concludes that all charges are without merit for the following reason:
- There is no Facebook or social media policy under the AWMA bylaws.
- There is no personal code of conduct policy in the AWMA bylaws.
- The BOI Committee recommends no further action is needed on these charges.
Monty Ellison, BOI Chairman Dana Miller, BOI Committee Member Diamond Hansel, BOI Committee Member
Board of Inquiry: Karchnak vs Smith

boikarchnakvsmith.pdf |
AWMA Board of Inquiry
Findings and Recommendations to the AWMA Executive Board
In the matter of Carol Karchnak vs Christopher Smith
Board of Inquiry Members
Dana Miller, Diamond Hansel, Monty Ellison, BOI Chairman
The Board of Inquiry agreed on these findings:
After reviewing the charges filed by Ms. Carol Karchnak, the AWMA Board of Inquiry by majority vote concludes that all charges are without merit for the following reasons:
Respectfully submitted on May 20, 2019
Monty Ellison, BOI Chairman
Dana Miller, BOI Committee Member
Diamond Hansel, BOI Committee Member
Findings and Recommendations to the AWMA Executive Board
In the matter of Carol Karchnak vs Christopher Smith
Board of Inquiry Members
Dana Miller, Diamond Hansel, Monty Ellison, BOI Chairman
The Board of Inquiry agreed on these findings:
After reviewing the charges filed by Ms. Carol Karchnak, the AWMA Board of Inquiry by majority vote concludes that all charges are without merit for the following reasons:
Respectfully submitted on May 20, 2019
Monty Ellison, BOI Chairman
Dana Miller, BOI Committee Member
Diamond Hansel, BOI Committee Member
- The BOI Committee found in regards to Christopher Smith posting Angie Stark’s address, that once Christopher Smith took possession of the BOI Complaint that contained Angie Stark’s physical address, it became Christopher Smith’s personal property with which he had the right to do what he wanted with it.
- The BOI Committee ruled that Christopher Smith cannot control what his Facebook friends post on his personal Facebook page.
- The BOI Committee found there is no evidence of any harassment by Christopher Smith towards Angie Stark.
- The BOI Committee has already ruled in the matter of sexual harassment in regards to the BOI Complaint Angie Stark vs Christopher Smith. The ruling was unanimous that all charges in this BOI were without merit.
- The BOI Committee concludes that there is no evidence of Christopher Smith’s posts about cyber stalking and about winners and losers are directed towards Angie Stark.
- The AWMA currently does not have a “Code of Conduct” for elected positions.
- The BOI Committee recommends no further action is needed on these charges.
Board of Inquiry, Christopher Smith
The Board of Inquiry received a compliant by certified mail of sexual harassment and conduct unbecoming an officer and not in the best interests of the AWMA and the AWDF filed by Angie Stark against Christopher Smith. The complaint also referenced behavior associated with racism. The provided documentation consisted of screenshots of Facebook posts.
One BOI member was recused because they are in the same club as the person named in the complaint. The alternate served in their place.
After reviewing the charges filed by Ms. Angie Stark, the AWMA Board of Inquiry unanimously concluded that all charges were without merit for the following reasons:
No further action will be taken.
One BOI member was recused because they are in the same club as the person named in the complaint. The alternate served in their place.
After reviewing the charges filed by Ms. Angie Stark, the AWMA Board of Inquiry unanimously concluded that all charges were without merit for the following reasons:
- The BOI Committee found that there was no evidence to substantiate the charge of unsportsmanlike conduct.
- The BOI Committee found that there was no evidence to substantiate the charge of sexual harassment.
- The BOI Committee found that there was no evidence to substantiate the charge of racism.
- The BOI Committee recommends no further action is needed on these charges.
No further action will be taken.
Motion for vote: March 18, 2019
Motion to accept Pure Michigan Dogsports as a full member club of the AWMA. Waine Singleton, Kim Yeager
9 yes
Poll closed April 2 and motion passed.
9 yes
Poll closed April 2 and motion passed.
Motion for vote: February 19, 2019
Motion to adopt the policy on helper selection for the AWMA IGP Championship. Kim Yeager, Carol Karchnak
7 yes
2 no
Poll closed March 6 and passed.
7 yes
2 no
Poll closed March 6 and passed.
Motion for vote: February 19, 2019
Motion to accept Natalia Balabanov into the apprentice judge program. Glenn Stephenson, Jim Downey
10 yes
Closed March 6 and passed
10 yes
Closed March 6 and passed
Motion for vote: February 8, 2019
Motion that helpers for the AWMA IGP Championshp must be members of the AWMA. Carol Karchnak, James Downey
5 yes 2 no
Closed February 22 and passed.
5 yes 2 no
Closed February 22 and passed.
Motion for vote: February 5, 2019
Motion to accept changes to the FMBB point system. Christina Hasel, James Downey
Closed February 20 and passed.
Closed February 20 and passed.
Motion for vote: January 15, 2019
Motion to accept Monty Ellison's bid to host the 2019 championship. Anne Camper, Waine Singleton
Closed January 30 and passed.
Closed January 30 and passed.