Minutes October 14, 2017 Annual Board Meeting
October 14, 2017
Minutes of Annual Board Meeting
AWMA Board: Anne Camper, Christopher Smith, Carol Karchnak, Linda Guidry, Michelle Kutelis, and Donna McGinnis.
Club Delegates: All Canine Working Dog Club, Annie Wildmoser; Big Sky Working Dogs, Janice Bogy; Midwest Working Dog Association, Angie Stark; No Way Jose Working Dog Association, Jose Rodriguez; South Coast Working Dog Club, Mario Gomes; Three Mountains Working Dog Association, Tim Karchnak; Oxford IPO Working Dog Club Canada, Anthony Hartelaub.
Guests: Diamond Hansel, Steve Gregalunas.
Ms. Camper called for officer reports:
President: Ms. Camper noted the President’s Message would be distributed electronically following the meeting.
Vice President: Mr. Smith, no report.
Secretary: Ms. McGinnis reported two new clubs were formed earlier in year, with one currently under consideration, one Board of Inquiry investigation currently in progress, and that the collective clubs of AWMA held a total of 15 trials since the date of the last general meeting.
Treasurer: Ms. Karchnak read her report, as follows: The checkbook balance is $42,409.63. There is approximately $800 in the PayPal account. Almost everyone this year paid through PayPal. This year we paid $473 in taxes to Arizona and to the IRS we paid $1,339.66. I don’t anticipate owing this year. I’m in the process of filling out forms to file for tax exempt status and it is not a small task and will not be finished before tax time. The 2018 proposed budget and 2017 YTD report is attached. This year, there is also a comparison to the 2017 budget to the document.
Membership Chair: Ms. Camper read the Membership Chair’s report: We had 267 members last year, down slightly from the previous year, and scorebooks were exactly the same, 93.
Regional Director Reports
Northeast region: Ms. Camper read Mr. Singleton’s report, as follows: This year clubs in the region hosted numerous approved trials and events. Two clubs, High Drive Working Dogs and Blue Water have not had events this year. Blue Water dissolved after the death of a valued member, Pat Carpenter. High Drive Working Dogs has not hosted an approved event in the last 2 years and will be moved to probationary status and had been contacted by email. He included a summary of trials that were held, one new club packet for the region waiting on final votes, one trial scheduled for November at Motor City and possibly KC WDC would be holding another trial, and wished everyone safe travel and a good championship.
Southeast region: Ms. Guidry noted she contacted clubs in her region several times with no response and that she did receive a request for waiver for The Florida Working Dog Club.
Northwest region: No report.
World Championship/National Events Committee: Ms. Camper acknowledged that the World Championship/National Events Committee sent a brief report on the FMBB and FCI team success.
Judges Committee: Ms. Camper stated we had one apprentice judge this year, Tim Karchnak, and that Mr. Karchnak was making excellent progress towards his judge’s license. She further stated the AWMA was most appreciative of his willingness to step forward and serve the organization.
Board of Inquiry: Ms. Camper acknowledged one matter was currently under consideration by the Board of Inquiry and information regarding its resolution would be available in due time.
How to utilize AWMA financial resources. Ms. Camper asked for discussion regarding ways to use AWMA’s resources in order to grow the organization, given an approximate $40,000 balance in the checking account. She further noted some years we were out ahead by a reasonable amount, while other years we broke even, and maintaining a cushion was necessary. Ms. Karchnak then listed net income alongside required taxes, as follows: Starting in 2012 the net income was $3,270, we paid the IRS $491 and AZ $228; in 2013 our net income was $12,985, we paid the IRS $450 and AZ $920; in 2014 our net income was $369, we paid the IRS nothing and paid AZ $50 (thought to be for incorporation); in 2015 our net income was $6,450, we paid the IRS $967 and AZ $390; and last year our net income was $8,597, we paid the IRS almost $1,300 and AZ $473. Ms. Camper acknowledged that Ms. Karchnak had been working on our exempt status and it would save the AWMA most of the taxes mentioned.
Ms. Camper reiterated her request for suggestions of activities. Suggestions included, helper training program, co-sponsorships with other organizations, a mentor program for new people getting into the sport, reinstating the website’s FAQs on how to get a scorebook, how to enter a trial, and to compile the FAQs as a new person’s guide in joining the AWMA.
Discussion then shifted to ways to raise money for the world teams, such as adding $10 to membership to be donated for the FCI or FMBB team, or to start a sponsorship program/committee. With regard to sponsorship, Ms. Camper explained people simply do not step forward to assist. She further stated she had ideas on ways to raise funds for the FMBB team, such as holding an online auction, but she would need assistance to implement such a venture. Additional suggestions included raising dues, applying late fees, offering regional training weekends, inviting judges to assist with helper programs, presenting discussion on the rules, offering seminars, offering obedience or protection demonstrations to raise awareness to the sport, and lastly, that each regional be given X amount to pay for the expenses of a notable presenter, with no charge for attendance to confirmed AWMA members, or that the person giving the seminar could volunteer their time, with the host organization covering their expenses regarding hotel and food.
How to encourage clubs to host the championship. Ms. Camper noted the $2,000 amount given to the championship host club had been in place for a long time and perhaps it was time to re-visit the amount to make it enough to encourage clubs to step forward. Ms. Stark noted that the amount of money may not be the problem, that it could be more related to the amount of unknown responsibility, and that $2,000 in seed money is enough to get started once the sponsorships, trophy donations, and entry fees started coming in. Lastly, a survey was suggested to further research on what kept clubs from stepping forward.
Ms. Camper then directed discussion to possibly placing limits on championship entry fees. She asked those present what the maximum amount a host club should charge for a national entry. After discussion, the general consensus was no more than $200.
Ms. Camper asked for a motion to adjourn. Upon a motion to adjourn by Mr. Smith, followed with a second, the meeting adjourned at 6:08 p.m.
October 14, 2017
Minutes of Annual Board Meeting
AWMA Board: Anne Camper, Christopher Smith, Carol Karchnak, Linda Guidry, Michelle Kutelis, and Donna McGinnis.
Club Delegates: All Canine Working Dog Club, Annie Wildmoser; Big Sky Working Dogs, Janice Bogy; Midwest Working Dog Association, Angie Stark; No Way Jose Working Dog Association, Jose Rodriguez; South Coast Working Dog Club, Mario Gomes; Three Mountains Working Dog Association, Tim Karchnak; Oxford IPO Working Dog Club Canada, Anthony Hartelaub.
Guests: Diamond Hansel, Steve Gregalunas.
- Call to Order and Introductions
- Reading of the Previous Meeting Minutes
- Officer Reports
Ms. Camper called for officer reports:
President: Ms. Camper noted the President’s Message would be distributed electronically following the meeting.
Vice President: Mr. Smith, no report.
Secretary: Ms. McGinnis reported two new clubs were formed earlier in year, with one currently under consideration, one Board of Inquiry investigation currently in progress, and that the collective clubs of AWMA held a total of 15 trials since the date of the last general meeting.
Treasurer: Ms. Karchnak read her report, as follows: The checkbook balance is $42,409.63. There is approximately $800 in the PayPal account. Almost everyone this year paid through PayPal. This year we paid $473 in taxes to Arizona and to the IRS we paid $1,339.66. I don’t anticipate owing this year. I’m in the process of filling out forms to file for tax exempt status and it is not a small task and will not be finished before tax time. The 2018 proposed budget and 2017 YTD report is attached. This year, there is also a comparison to the 2017 budget to the document.
Membership Chair: Ms. Camper read the Membership Chair’s report: We had 267 members last year, down slightly from the previous year, and scorebooks were exactly the same, 93.
Regional Director Reports
Northeast region: Ms. Camper read Mr. Singleton’s report, as follows: This year clubs in the region hosted numerous approved trials and events. Two clubs, High Drive Working Dogs and Blue Water have not had events this year. Blue Water dissolved after the death of a valued member, Pat Carpenter. High Drive Working Dogs has not hosted an approved event in the last 2 years and will be moved to probationary status and had been contacted by email. He included a summary of trials that were held, one new club packet for the region waiting on final votes, one trial scheduled for November at Motor City and possibly KC WDC would be holding another trial, and wished everyone safe travel and a good championship.
Southeast region: Ms. Guidry noted she contacted clubs in her region several times with no response and that she did receive a request for waiver for The Florida Working Dog Club.
Northwest region: No report.
World Championship/National Events Committee: Ms. Camper acknowledged that the World Championship/National Events Committee sent a brief report on the FMBB and FCI team success.
Judges Committee: Ms. Camper stated we had one apprentice judge this year, Tim Karchnak, and that Mr. Karchnak was making excellent progress towards his judge’s license. She further stated the AWMA was most appreciative of his willingness to step forward and serve the organization.
Board of Inquiry: Ms. Camper acknowledged one matter was currently under consideration by the Board of Inquiry and information regarding its resolution would be available in due time.
- Elections
- Old Business
- New Business
How to utilize AWMA financial resources. Ms. Camper asked for discussion regarding ways to use AWMA’s resources in order to grow the organization, given an approximate $40,000 balance in the checking account. She further noted some years we were out ahead by a reasonable amount, while other years we broke even, and maintaining a cushion was necessary. Ms. Karchnak then listed net income alongside required taxes, as follows: Starting in 2012 the net income was $3,270, we paid the IRS $491 and AZ $228; in 2013 our net income was $12,985, we paid the IRS $450 and AZ $920; in 2014 our net income was $369, we paid the IRS nothing and paid AZ $50 (thought to be for incorporation); in 2015 our net income was $6,450, we paid the IRS $967 and AZ $390; and last year our net income was $8,597, we paid the IRS almost $1,300 and AZ $473. Ms. Camper acknowledged that Ms. Karchnak had been working on our exempt status and it would save the AWMA most of the taxes mentioned.
Ms. Camper reiterated her request for suggestions of activities. Suggestions included, helper training program, co-sponsorships with other organizations, a mentor program for new people getting into the sport, reinstating the website’s FAQs on how to get a scorebook, how to enter a trial, and to compile the FAQs as a new person’s guide in joining the AWMA.
Discussion then shifted to ways to raise money for the world teams, such as adding $10 to membership to be donated for the FCI or FMBB team, or to start a sponsorship program/committee. With regard to sponsorship, Ms. Camper explained people simply do not step forward to assist. She further stated she had ideas on ways to raise funds for the FMBB team, such as holding an online auction, but she would need assistance to implement such a venture. Additional suggestions included raising dues, applying late fees, offering regional training weekends, inviting judges to assist with helper programs, presenting discussion on the rules, offering seminars, offering obedience or protection demonstrations to raise awareness to the sport, and lastly, that each regional be given X amount to pay for the expenses of a notable presenter, with no charge for attendance to confirmed AWMA members, or that the person giving the seminar could volunteer their time, with the host organization covering their expenses regarding hotel and food.
How to encourage clubs to host the championship. Ms. Camper noted the $2,000 amount given to the championship host club had been in place for a long time and perhaps it was time to re-visit the amount to make it enough to encourage clubs to step forward. Ms. Stark noted that the amount of money may not be the problem, that it could be more related to the amount of unknown responsibility, and that $2,000 in seed money is enough to get started once the sponsorships, trophy donations, and entry fees started coming in. Lastly, a survey was suggested to further research on what kept clubs from stepping forward.
Ms. Camper then directed discussion to possibly placing limits on championship entry fees. She asked those present what the maximum amount a host club should charge for a national entry. After discussion, the general consensus was no more than $200.
Ms. Camper asked for a motion to adjourn. Upon a motion to adjourn by Mr. Smith, followed with a second, the meeting adjourned at 6:08 p.m.
October 14, 2017 Executive Board Meeting
October 14, 2017
Executive Board Meeting
AWMA Board Members: Anne Camper, Michelle Kutelis, Linda Guidry, and Donna McGinnis
Ms. Camper asked for appeals for waivers. Ms. McGinnis acknowledged the Florida WDC had requested a waiver, that they attempted to arrange a trial and had previously held a trial in July of 2016.
With regard to the pending Committee vote, Ms. Camper suggested it would be more expedient to conduct that vote by acclimation unless we had nominations from the floor.
Ms. Camper then asked for discussion regarding a potential change to the Bylaws for the manner in which we hold our annual meeting, noting how difficult it is for people to travel to the championship to be present for the meeting. Ms. Camper asked if the board would be in favor of setting up a group that could look into electronic meeting formats. Ms. Kutelis commented on her experience with another organization, noting it was the only way to hold a meeting where travel is prohibitive. Ms. Camper stated she was not in favor of one member/one vote as an option, as it would leave zero incentive to pulls clubs together with delegate representation, but wanted to find ways to encourage participation so members could feel they were more a part of the organization.
Discussion then commenced regarding the number of clubs that had not paid dues, noting that they would be removed from the website.
Lastly, Ms. Camper asked if those present would return for the next call, adding that holding a call before the general meeting may no longer make sense and perhaps that format should also be revisited.
October 14, 2017
Executive Board Meeting
AWMA Board Members: Anne Camper, Michelle Kutelis, Linda Guidry, and Donna McGinnis
Ms. Camper asked for appeals for waivers. Ms. McGinnis acknowledged the Florida WDC had requested a waiver, that they attempted to arrange a trial and had previously held a trial in July of 2016.
With regard to the pending Committee vote, Ms. Camper suggested it would be more expedient to conduct that vote by acclimation unless we had nominations from the floor.
Ms. Camper then asked for discussion regarding a potential change to the Bylaws for the manner in which we hold our annual meeting, noting how difficult it is for people to travel to the championship to be present for the meeting. Ms. Camper asked if the board would be in favor of setting up a group that could look into electronic meeting formats. Ms. Kutelis commented on her experience with another organization, noting it was the only way to hold a meeting where travel is prohibitive. Ms. Camper stated she was not in favor of one member/one vote as an option, as it would leave zero incentive to pulls clubs together with delegate representation, but wanted to find ways to encourage participation so members could feel they were more a part of the organization.
Discussion then commenced regarding the number of clubs that had not paid dues, noting that they would be removed from the website.
Lastly, Ms. Camper asked if those present would return for the next call, adding that holding a call before the general meeting may no longer make sense and perhaps that format should also be revisited.