Motion for vote: November 15, 2016
To maintain full member status in the AWMA, by October 1 of the year in which the annual general board meeting is held, each club must have hosted or have aproved an AWMA IPO trial to be held by December 31 of the calendar year. If a club cannot host a trial, they may use an event approved by their regional director as a substitute; this event must be held by October 1. Examples of acceptable events are holding an AWMA training day (could be open to anyone), hosting a club obedience and or protection fun tournament, or conducting a fundraising event for the AWMA FMBB and/or FCI team members. Clubs must contact their regional director to ensure that their club event meets the intent of this provision in the by-laws. In addition, any club that hosts the AWMA National IPO Championship is automatically exempt from hosting an event the year following the championship.
Vicki Keller, Les Flores
Vicki Keller
Les Flores
Glenn Stephenson
Anne Camper
Katie Finlay
Donna McGinnis
Did not vote
Linda Guidry
Waine Singleton
Carol Karchnak
Christopher Smith
Michelle Kutelis
Poll closed November 30 and passed.
Vicki Keller, Les Flores
Vicki Keller
Les Flores
Glenn Stephenson
Anne Camper
Katie Finlay
Donna McGinnis
Did not vote
Linda Guidry
Waine Singleton
Carol Karchnak
Christopher Smith
Michelle Kutelis
Poll closed November 30 and passed.
Motion for vote: October 26, 2016
Motion to pursue the plan to help USMRA provide scorebooks for non-registered Malinois with a listing of the breed name.
Waine Singleton, Les Flores
Carol Karchnak
Katie Finlay
Christopher Smith
Waine Singleton
Anne Camper
Donna McGinnis
Les Flores
Linda Guidry
Michelle Kutelis
Did not vote
Glenn Stephenson
Vicki Keller
Poll closed November 3 and passed
Waine Singleton, Les Flores
Carol Karchnak
Katie Finlay
Christopher Smith
Waine Singleton
Anne Camper
Donna McGinnis
Les Flores
Linda Guidry
Michelle Kutelis
Did not vote
Glenn Stephenson
Vicki Keller
Poll closed November 3 and passed
Motion for vote: July 28, 2016
Motion to accept the Working Dog Club of Wichita as a full member of the AWMA.
Waine Singleton, Les Flores
Linda Guidry
Angie Stark
Les Flores
Donna McGinnis
Carol Karchnak
Waine Singleton
Anne Camper
Did not vote
Christopher Smith
Terry Miller
Michelle Kutelils
Glenn Stephenson
Poll closed August 12 and passed.
Waine Singleton, Les Flores
Linda Guidry
Angie Stark
Les Flores
Donna McGinnis
Carol Karchnak
Waine Singleton
Anne Camper
Did not vote
Christopher Smith
Terry Miller
Michelle Kutelils
Glenn Stephenson
Poll closed August 12 and passed.
Motion for vote: July 8, 2016
Move to accept No Way Jose's WDC as a full member of the AWMA.
Donna McGinnis, Les Flores
Angie Stark
Les Flores
Glenn Stephenson
Anne Camper
Carol Karchnak
Donna McGinnis
Michelle Kutelis
Did not vote
Christopher Smith
Terry Miller
Linda Guidry
Waine Singleton
Poll closed July 23 and passed.
Donna McGinnis, Les Flores
Angie Stark
Les Flores
Glenn Stephenson
Anne Camper
Carol Karchnak
Donna McGinnis
Michelle Kutelis
Did not vote
Christopher Smith
Terry Miller
Linda Guidry
Waine Singleton
Poll closed July 23 and passed.
Motion for vote: July 7, 2016
Motion that the AWMA compensate the club hosting the Nationals for youth entries.
Carol Karchnak, Les Flores
Linda Guidry
Angie Stark
Les Flores
Glenn Stephenson
Donna McGinnis
Christopher Smith
Michelle Kutelils
Carol Karchnak
Waine Singleton
Anne Camper
Did not vote
Terry Miller
Poll closed July 21 and passed.
Carol Karchnak, Les Flores
Linda Guidry
Angie Stark
Les Flores
Glenn Stephenson
Donna McGinnis
Christopher Smith
Michelle Kutelils
Carol Karchnak
Waine Singleton
Anne Camper
Did not vote
Terry Miller
Poll closed July 21 and passed.
Motion for vote: June 10, 2016
Move to accept Sin City WDC as a full member of the AWMA
Angie Stark, Waine Singleton
Linda Guidry
Angie Stark
Les Flores
Donna McGinnis
Carol Karchnak
Anne Camper
Did not vote
Christopher Smith
Terry Miller
Glenn Stephenson
Waine Singleton
Michelle Kutelis
Poll closed June 25 and passed.
Angie Stark, Waine Singleton
Linda Guidry
Angie Stark
Les Flores
Donna McGinnis
Carol Karchnak
Anne Camper
Did not vote
Christopher Smith
Terry Miller
Glenn Stephenson
Waine Singleton
Michelle Kutelis
Poll closed June 25 and passed.
Motion for vote: June 1, 2016
Motin to accept the Society for the Preservation of the Working Mechless Herder as a full member club of the AWMA.
Donna McGinnis, Linda Guidry
Angie Stark
Les Flores
Glenn Stephenson
Donna McGinnis
Christopher Smith
Carol Karchnak
Waine Singleton
Anne Camper
Did not vote
Linda Guidry
Terry Miller
Michelle Kutelis
Poll closed June 16 and passed.
Donna McGinnis, Linda Guidry
Angie Stark
Les Flores
Glenn Stephenson
Donna McGinnis
Christopher Smith
Carol Karchnak
Waine Singleton
Anne Camper
Did not vote
Linda Guidry
Terry Miller
Michelle Kutelis
Poll closed June 16 and passed.
Motion for vote: May 4, 2016
Motion to accept CB WDC of Canada as a full member club of the AWMA.
Angie Stark, Donna McGinnis
Angie Stark
Les Flores
Donna McGinnis
Carol Karchnak
Anne Camper
Michelle Kutelis
Christopher Smith
Did not vote
Glenn Stephenson
Linda Guidry
Terry Miller
Waine Singleton
Poll closed May 19 and passed.
Angie Stark, Donna McGinnis
Angie Stark
Les Flores
Donna McGinnis
Carol Karchnak
Anne Camper
Michelle Kutelis
Christopher Smith
Did not vote
Glenn Stephenson
Linda Guidry
Terry Miller
Waine Singleton
Poll closed May 19 and passed.
Motion for vote: May 3, 2016
Motion to accept KC Working Dog Club as a full member of the AWMA
Angie Stark, Linda Guidry
Linda Guidry
Angie Stark
Les Flores
Donna McGinnis
Anne Camper
Waine Singleton
Glenn Stephenson
Carol Karchnak
Did not vote
Michelle Kutelis
Terry Miller
Christopher Smith
Poll closed May 18 and passed
Angie Stark, Linda Guidry
Linda Guidry
Angie Stark
Les Flores
Donna McGinnis
Anne Camper
Waine Singleton
Glenn Stephenson
Carol Karchnak
Did not vote
Michelle Kutelis
Terry Miller
Christopher Smith
Poll closed May 18 and passed
Motion for vote: March 14, 2016
Motion to accept policy on requirements for AWMA support for FMBB IPO contestants.
Christopher Smith, Carol Karchnak
Angie Stark
Les Flores
Glenn Stephenson
Donna McGinnis
Christopher Smith
Carol Karchnak
Michelle Kutelis
Anne Camper
Linda Guidry
Did not vote
Terry Miller
Waine Singleton
Poll closed March 21 and motion passed.
Christopher Smith, Carol Karchnak
Angie Stark
Les Flores
Glenn Stephenson
Donna McGinnis
Christopher Smith
Carol Karchnak
Michelle Kutelis
Anne Camper
Linda Guidry
Did not vote
Terry Miller
Waine Singleton
Poll closed March 21 and motion passed.
Motion for vote: March 8, 2016
Motion to accept the bid for the 2016 AWMA Championship from Monty Ellison
Linda Guidry, Angie Stark
Angie Stark
Les Flores
Glenn Stephenson
Donna McGinnis
Carol Karchnak
Michelle Kutelis
Anne Camper
Linda Guidry
Waine Singleton
Did not vote
Terry Miller
Christopher Smith
Poll closed March 18 and motion passed
Linda Guidry, Angie Stark
Angie Stark
Les Flores
Glenn Stephenson
Donna McGinnis
Carol Karchnak
Michelle Kutelis
Anne Camper
Linda Guidry
Waine Singleton
Did not vote
Terry Miller
Christopher Smith
Poll closed March 18 and motion passed
Motion for vote: March 7, 2016
Motion to accept the revised trial information document.
Christopher Smith, Carol Karchnak
Christopher Smith
Carol Karchnak
Anne Camper
Angie Stark
Les Flores
Waine Singleton
Glenn Stephenson
Linda Guidry
Donna McGinnis
Terry Miller
Michelle Kutelis
Poll closed March 18 and motion passed.
Revised trial procedures have been sent to clubs.
Christopher Smith, Carol Karchnak
Christopher Smith
Carol Karchnak
Anne Camper
Angie Stark
Les Flores
Waine Singleton
Glenn Stephenson
Linda Guidry
Donna McGinnis
Terry Miller
Michelle Kutelis
Poll closed March 18 and motion passed.
Revised trial procedures have been sent to clubs.
Motion for vote: February 29, 2016
Motion to provide Anthony Hartlaub with $500 expense reimbursement for being FMBB captain
Angie Stark, Les Flores
Linda Guidry
Anne Camper
Glenn Stephenson
Angie Stark
Waine Singleton
Donna McGinnis
Terry Miller
Les Flores
Did not vote
Christopher Smith
Michelle Kutelis
Carol Karchnak
Poll closed March 11 and motion passed
Angie Stark, Les Flores
Linda Guidry
Anne Camper
Glenn Stephenson
Angie Stark
Waine Singleton
Donna McGinnis
Terry Miller
Les Flores
Did not vote
Christopher Smith
Michelle Kutelis
Carol Karchnak
Poll closed March 11 and motion passed
Motion for vote: February 16, 2016
Vote to accept Waine Singleton as a probationary AWMA judge
Required confirmation with 80% or greater positive response from the AWMA Executive Board
Poll closed February 29 and passed.
Required confirmation with 80% or greater positive response from the AWMA Executive Board
Poll closed February 29 and passed.
Motion to accept Ouray Working Malinois Club as a full member AWMA club.
Donna McGinnis, Angie Stark
Anne Camper
Les Flores
Linda Guidry
Christopher Smith
Glenn Stephenson
Michelle Kutelis
Terry Miller
Donna McGinnis
Waine Singleton
Angie Stark
Carol Karchnak
Poll closed Feburary 29 and motion passed
Donna McGinnis, Angie Stark
Anne Camper
Les Flores
Linda Guidry
Christopher Smith
Glenn Stephenson
Michelle Kutelis
Terry Miller
Donna McGinnis
Waine Singleton
Angie Stark
Carol Karchnak
Poll closed Feburary 29 and motion passed
Motion for vote: January 19, 2016
Motion to accept the Atlanta Working Dog Club as a full member club of the American Working Malinois Association.
Donna McGinnis, second by Waine Singleton
Anne Camper
Angie Stark
Les Flores
Glenn Stephenson
Carol Karchnak
Donna McGinnis
Michelle Kutelis
Linda Guidry
Did not vote
Christopher Smith
Waine Singleton
Terry Miller
Poll closed January 26 and motion passed
Donna McGinnis, second by Waine Singleton
Anne Camper
Angie Stark
Les Flores
Glenn Stephenson
Carol Karchnak
Donna McGinnis
Michelle Kutelis
Linda Guidry
Did not vote
Christopher Smith
Waine Singleton
Terry Miller
Poll closed January 26 and motion passed