Minutes of 2012 Executive and General Board Meetings
November 9, 2012
Bowling Green, KentuckyAWMA National Championship Executive Board MeetingAnne Camper, Christopher Smith, Paul Konschak, Cynthia Zimmerman. Terry Miller, Donna McGinnis, Warren Jones, Kristina Carmody via telephone.
Called to order at 4:04 p.m.
Minutes were waived since they have been posted on the webpage and previously approved.
Appeals for waivers – Western region, all have had events except new club Cache Valley. Northern Region, all have had events or trials. Southern region, all have had events except the Atlanta club. They also did not have an event last year. The club will be given until January 1 to have an event or they will lose full club status.
Director at large election – unanimous for Glenn Stephenson
Discussion of AWDF, FCI, sports politics – information exchanged about current status of AWDF in the FCI, still seeking contract status. AWDF elections this coming spring will be for a director at large, vice president, and secretary. Discussion on UScA elections and change of leadership, brief discussion of DVG and the possibility of breaking with Germany.
Judges' program – Need for more AWMA judges. Our program has been accepted by AWDF and UScA so titles awarded by our judges are recognized by all AWDF member clubs. Discussion on criteria for becoming a judge and whether our criteria for entering the program should be reviewed. The Judges' Committee will look at the current program to determine if any changes should be made. Names of potential judges were posed.
Bonding of treasurer – Anne will check with First West Insurance to see if they will cover our treasurer.
Helper committee/program – decision to disband this ad hoc committee. Original intent was to select the helpers for the national event, but this is now done by the host club of the event and the WC/NE Committee. This committee will be restarted when necessary.
Meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.
November 9, 2012
Bowling Green, Kentucky
AWMA National Championship
General Board MeetingCalled to order, 5:05 p.m
Attendees – Anne Camper, Christopher Smith, Paul Konschak, Cynthia Zimmerman. Terry Miller, Donna McGinnis, Kristina Carmody via telephone.
Club delegates – Tim Karchnak (Three Mountains Working Dog Club), Jim Downey (Blue Water Working Dogs), Everhard Earnsting (Podium Belgian Shepherd Working Dog Club), Mario Gomes (Baystate Working Dog Club), John Wiitanen (Motor City Working Dogs). Also present Lisa Ann Strum, Jill Lyden
Waive reading of minutes, are already posted on website
Officer reportsPresident's report – not provided in interest of time
Vice president – no report
Secretary's report:
Greetings AWMA members. I'd like to begin by thanking all the clubs and members who have been supportive of the AWMA during the past year and for all your cooperation in responding to my requests as secretary. I begin with wonderful news, this past year the AWMA has gained five new full member clubs.
Please join me in welcoming:
Donna McGinnis, Secretary
Treasurer's Report
(A brief discussion of possibility of designating funds to FMBB team will be brought up under new business.)
AI /MA Treasurer's Report for November 09, 2012.
1.) Treasury Update:
3.) 2013 Projected Budget: Very similar to last year's budget with the addition of an expense line item for an automatic $1,000 donation to the FMBB IPO Team to help pay for travel expenses. With the consistent annual rise of membership and donations, I believe we can easily meet this base number.
4.) We still need to fix the html code for the paypal scorebook payment button on the website. I will coordinate this with Dana with a deadline of December 31, 2012.
I apologize for not being able to make it this year as I have a prior commitment to attend a wedding this weekend.
Good luck to all the competitors! I'd like to take this time to also thank the rest of the board for all their time and hard work.
Kristina Carmody, Treasurer
Membership chair
For the year 2012-2013 we have again seen an increase in our membership from the previous two years which is quite amazing considering so many dog clubs are seeing declining memberships! This year we have 139 individual memberships and 18 family memberships. My goal for this year is to get our membership into a database to streamline card processing times. Currently we are on a paper system which unfortunately is time consuming and there are too many errors being made on my part. I'm hoping we can purchase a prefabricated membership database program that will make it easier to send out renewals, process paypal transactions, and keep track of everything going on with the membership so there are no delays in sending out cards. I'm hoping to get something approved by the EB in time for renewals to go out next April.
Dana McMahan, Membership Chair
Committee reportsWC/NE
AWMA Membership and Board of Directors:
2012 was yet again an unbelievable year for many of our AWMA members. I am happy to report that the IPO and Agility Teams had a fantastic time at the 2012 FMBB World Championships held in Rocca di Pappa, Italy.
Congratulations to this year's teams that competed in Italy. The IPO teams were Benny Barmapov and Master de Alphaville Bohemia, Harry Wagner and Augustus Caesar Haus Wagner, David Green and Luigi Du Dantero, and Sean Rivera and Daneskjold and the two agility teams were Kimberly Buchanan and Sprite's Entertaining Choice 'Emmy' and Shari Lipski and Amara von der Eichenquelle.
A very special congratulations to David Greene and Luigi Du Dantero for placing third in both the IPO World Cup and the IPO World Championships and to Sean Rivera and Daneskjold Iron for placing eighth in the IPO World Cup and sixth in the IPO World Championship. What fantastic accomplishments!
The 2013 FMBB World Championships are scheduled to be located in Koper, Slovenia. The dates are April 30th through May 5th. I will have the updated Competitor Rules and Regulations for the IPO, Mondio, and Agility Teams posted to the AWMA and Mondio websites very soon. As additional information becomes available, we will post the details. If you have any questions, please feel free to call or email me. Future FMBB World Championships are slated for Finland for 2014, the Czech Republic in 2015, and France for 2016.
I would like to thank everyone that volunteered their time to help make local, national, and international events a success in 2012. Thank you to Motor City Working Dogs, Paula Daigle, and John Wiitanen for their time in putting this year's AWMA National Championship together. I regret that I was not able to attend this year but our dog club is hosting a trial this weekend.
Good luck to everyone competing this weekend!
Shari L. Lipski, AWMA World Championship & National Events Committee Chairperson
JudgesOn behalf of the judges' committee, I am pleased to submit the following report for the 2011-2012 year.
During the year, we had three listed apprentices. Cynthia Zimmerman completed three apprenticeships, Christopher Smith completed part of a walkthrough at the 2011 AWMA Nationals, and Dana Williams was on maternity leave. I am excited and delighted to report that, barring unforeseen circumstances, Cynthia will complete her apprenticeship at the AWMA Nationals. The executive board has already given 100% approval of her license (provisional on a pass on the last apprenticeship), and we will be asking the General Board to elect her to Director of Judges under the same Provisional Conditions. Also since last year we have removed Christopher Smith from the apprentice list for insufficient progress, and hope that he can find the time to reconsider the position later. Dana Miller is preparing to go off maternity leave and begin her two walkthroughs in the Phoenix area this winter.
On a more personal note, I wish to extend my appreciation for all the support I've received from the AWMA members and clubs in performing as a sort of "acting DOJ", and wish Cynthia success in the position for the future. The relationship between the judges' organizations within the AWDF may turn out to be critical to the path forward for everyone in protection sports, and we will need some with experience and a level head to keep us on track!
Warren L. Jones, Chair, Judges' Committee, 2010-2012
No report, see proposed by laws changes
No report, no BOI proceedings
No report, auditing done by bank
Our website sponsorship continues to go fairly strong and we encourage any members who own a dog-related business to check us out for banner advertisement. Our Facebook page has been incredibly active, and both Mohawk John and Anne Camper have been given Administrator abilities to keep the page up to date. We currently have over 3100 Fans of our page, which continues to be the most popular dog club page of any of the AWDF Clubs. Our AWMA website was hacked in March 2012 and we had to hire some outside technical support to get everything cleaned up and secured. We really appreciate the help of John Wilkins of Global Live Inc who took care of everything for us! As always, the website committee needs volunteers so if anyone has time to help keep things up to date on the website please let myself or Anne Camper know.
Dana McMahan, Website Chair
The Newsletter was a new task for me for mid-2011, taking over for James Downey. I put out Newsletter 7 Issue 1 & 2 to catch up, and the Spring 2012 Issue. In June of 2012, I requested the Executive Board review the need for quarterly newsletters as it takes a great amount of effort to accumulate the materials and the work of several people to coordinate to get it together. The EB decided to move to a yearly newsletter with quarterly Presidents Reports which should help keep the membership up to date and help ease the work load for the organization. As always, if anyone wants to volunteer to assist in collecting articles for the newsletter, please volunteer!
Dana McMahan, Newsletter Editor
Revisions to by-laws : After presentation of a synopsis of the proposed changes, a motion to accept all changes was made by Paul Konschak, second by Christopher Smith. Passed unanimously.
Issue 1 - Submission of club lists
Article V, section 2 d: Each member club is responsible for ensuring the good standing of its individual members in AWMA. A complete current membership list shall be submitted to the AWMA Membership Chairperson by each September 1st.
Article IV, section 1 g: Club delegates to the General Board Meeting shall be selected from the most recent membership list of each AWMA club, submitted to the AWMA Secretary no more than thirty (30) days before the General Board meeting. Not later than two (2) days prior to the annual meeting of the General Board of Directors the Secretary shall verify that a club is in good standing in order for its delegate to be seated. Each club shall elect a delegate and an alternate from their membership. The delegate and alternate must present a letter of such appointment signed by two club officers prior to admission at the General Board meeting. The alternate may vote only in the case that the delegate is not present at the time a vote is called for. Clubs which are granted affiliated or full member status after the thirty (30) day deadline but before the meeting may send the membership list to the meeting with the club's Delegate. This list must be presented before the Delegate or Alternate will be seated.
Recommend to modify Article V, section 2, item d as follows by deleting the second sentence:
Each member club is responsible for ensuring the good standing of its individual members in AWMA.
Issue 2 – requirement that all club members belong to AWMA
This is difficult to enforce. If a club has dual membership in two organizations, they will have members who don't belong to both organizations and this is allowed in our by-laws.
We currently have these items:
Issue 3 – club dues
Article V, section 2 e: Each member club in good standing shall remit annual dues in the amount specified by the General Board by January 1.
Suggest changing by adding second sentence: If a new club joins after June 1, their dues on January 1 of the following year are half (1/2) the amount established.
Presentation of slate of officers, all current officers are seeking re-election. Call for nominations from the floor, none presented. Motion to accept slate of officers and director at large by Paul Konschak, second by Cynthia Zimmerman. Elected unanimously by acclimation.
Election of Director of Judges.
Explanation of selection of Cynthia, vote taken by EB to accept as judge providing that final apprenticeship at this trial was successful. Cynthia has agreed to act as DOJ. Motion to accept her as DOJ by Jim Downey, second by Paul Konschak, elected unanimously. Brief discussion of need for more judges, request to attendees to contact those they know and encourage them to apply to the program.
Committee elections –
November 21. Motion to accept the minutes from the 2011 AWMA Board Meetings as written. Motion by Dana Williams, second by Les Flores. Motion carried, closed.
Yes: Dana Williams, Les Flores, Bob Miller, Paul Konschak, Warren Jones, Kristina Carmody, Anne Camper, Donna McGinnis
Did not vote: Christopher Smith, Terry Miller
November 24. Accept the FCI rules with an amendment to allow competitors to trial three dogs at club level events. Motion by Dana Williams, second by Donna McGinnis. Vote closed and passed.
Background: The AWMA has previously voted to accept the slate of titles offered under the new FCI rules. This motion was to consider a modification to the FCI rules that allow for only two entries.
Yes: Donna McGinnis, Christopher Smith, Warren Jones, Dana Williams, Terry Miller, Kristina Carmody, Anne Camper, Paul Konschak, Bob Miller
Did not vote: Les Flores
November 29. Motion to order 20 DVDs (from the FCI) and sell them at cost to AWMA members only. Motion by Donna McGinnis, second by Bob Miller. DVDs have been prepared by the FCI illustrating the new rules and the vote is whether to purchase these and make them available for purchase. Vote closed and passed.
Yes: Donna McGinnis, Bob Miller, Les Flores, Warren Jones, Dana Williams, Kristina Carmody, Anne Camper, Terry Miller
No: Paul Konschak
Did not vote: Christopher Smith
January 5. Motion to cancel purchase of DVDs regarding 2012 rules. Motion by Donna McGinnis, second by Warren Jones. Motion carried.
Yes: Bob Miller, Donna McGinnis, Les Flores, Christopher Smith, Warren Jones, Paul Konschak, Anne Camper
Did not vote: Terry Miller, Kristina Carmody, Dana Williams
February 2. Motion to reinstate Cascade Belgian Shepherd Club as a full member AWMA Club. Motion by Donna McGinnis, second Warren Jones. Motion carried.
Yes : Les Flores, Dana Williams, Paul Konschak, Terry Miller, Donna McGinnis, Christopher Smith, Anne Camper, Bob Miller
Did not vote : Warren Jones, Kristina Carmody
February 15. I make a motion to move forward with forming a working relationship with the Belgian Sheepdog Club of America. Motion by Bob Miller, second by Terry Miller. Context: AWMA was contacted by the BSCA to start a program for recording of titles on AKC pedigrees similar to what already exists with the American Belgian Malinois Club. Motion passed.
Yes: Paul Konschak, Dana Williams, Bob Miller, Warren Jones, Donna McGinnis, Christopher Smith, Anne Camper
Did not vote: Les Flores, Kristina Carmody, Terry Miller
February 27. I make the motion to accept the bid from Motor City Working Dogs to host the AWMA National IPO Championship. Bob Miller, second by Warren Jones. This was the only bid received for the 2012 Championships. The bid was reviewed and put forward by the WC/NE Committee for a vote. Passed.
Yes: Anne Camper, Les Flores, Warren Jones, Donna McGinnis, Dana Williams, Paul Konschak, Bob Miller
Did not vote: Christopher Smith, Kristina Carmody, Terry Miller
March 7. Motion to pay for the 2012 AWDF trophy for high malinois at $100. Motion by Les Flores, second by Warren Jones. Vote passed.
Yes: Warren Jones, Bob Miller, Dana Williams, Christopher Smith, Anne Camper, Donna Miller, Paul Konschak, Les Flores
Did not vote: Terry Miller, Kristina Carmody
March 7. Motion that we budget for the AWDF high malinois trophy for future years. Motion by Warren Jones, second by Donna McGinnis. Passed.
Yes: Donna McGinnis, Les Flores, Anne Camper, Warren Jones, Dana Williams, Paul Konschak, Bob Miller
Did not vote: Christopher Smith,Terry Miller, Kristina Carmody
March 24. Motion to approve $250 expenditure for website consultation for technical support. Motion by Donna McGinnis, second by Christopher Smith.
Funds to support changes and help with hacking problem. Passed.
Yes: Paul Konschak, Warren Jones, Dana Mahan, Donna McGinnis, Anne Camper, Les Flores
Did not vote: Christopher Smith, Bob Miller, Kristina Carmody, Terry Miller
May 4. I make the motion to accept Tarheel Protection Sports as full members. Motion by Christopher Smith, second by Bob Miller Note that acceptance will be contingent on receipt of club dues and any other outstanding requirements. Passed.
Yes: Terry Miller, Les Flores, Christopher Smith, Anne Camper, Paul Konschak
No: Kristina Carmody, Donna McGinnis, Dana Mahan, Warren Jones
Did not vote: Bob Miller
May 22. Move to accept Metro-Detroit SchH & Police K9 as a full member AWMA club. Motion by Donna McGinnis, second by Kristina Carmody. Passed.
Yes: Warren Jones, Kristina Carmody, Anne Camper, Donna McGinnis, Bob Miller, Terry Miller, Christopher Smith, Paul Konschak, Les Flores
Did not vote: Dana McMahan
July 23. Move to revise schedule of publication of AWMA's newsletter to one annual issue at the beginning of each calendar year and publication of President reports on a quarterly basis of each calendar year. Motion by Donna McGinnis, second by Bob Miller. Passed.
Yes: Dana McMahan, Christopher Smith, Bob Miller, Paul Konschak, Warren Jones, Les Flores, Anne Camper, Donna McGinnis
Did not vote: Kristina Carmody, Terry Miller
August 26. I move that the board approve the application of Bay State Working Dog Club for full member status as an AWMA club. Motion by Warren Jones, second by Les Flores. Passed.
Yes: Bob Miller, Les Flores, Dana McMahan, Terry Miller, Anne Camper, Donna McGinnis, Warren Jones, Paul Konschak, Christopher Smith
Did not vote: Kristina Carmody
September 26. Move that Cynthia Zimmerman be granted provisional status as an AWMA judge, with provisional status being removed upon receipt of a positive evaluation of her final apprenticeship at the 2012 AWMA National Championship.
Motion by Donna McGinnis, second by Bob Miller. Rationale: The acceptance would make Cynthia Zimmerman eligible to be elected as the AWMA Director of Judges at the AWMA National meeting. This would allow us to be in compliance with our by-laws. Passed unanimously.
Yes: Anne Camper, Christopher Smith, Donna McGinnis, Dana McMahan, Les Flores, Warren Jones, Terry Miller, Bob Miller, Kristina Carmody, Paul Konschak
October 9. Move to accept Cache Valley Working Dogs Club (CVWDC) as a full member AWMA club. Motion by Donna McGinnis, second Les Flores
Yes: Christopher Smith, Kristina Carmody, Paul Konschak, Warren Jones, Anne Camper, Bob Miller, Donna McGinnis, Les Flores
Did not vote: Dana McMahan, Terry Miller
October 18. Move to provide up to $500.00 from appointed, donated funds to sponsor AWMA members and trial volunteers attendance to the 2012 AWMA National Championship judge's dinner in celebration of our 10th anniversary. Motion by Donna McGinnis, second by Bob Miller. Specially donated funds were provided to the AWMA to support the National Championship. This motion would provide resources to honor our members and volunteers at our 10th anual event. Passed.
Yes: Anne Camper, Donna McGinnis, Kristina Carmody, Paul Konschak, Les Flores, Bob Miller
Did not vote: Dana McMahan, Christopher Smith, Warren Jones, Terry Miller
Judges and officiating at AWMA events – UScA charging for judges, consider bringing in FCI judges and sharing between clubs. Reminder that requests for UScA judges go to their DOJ. FCI judge requests go through the AWDF secretary. SV judge requests go through UScA.
Recruiting AWMA judges, discussed earlier, reiteration to contact qualified people to participate.
AWMA Nationals – will send out request in the near future, decision to be made in February.
FCI/FMBB updates. FMBB is April 30 – May 2. Message sent to AWDF stating that there shouldn't be a conflict between the AWDF Championship and the FMBB, AWDF should not be held within three weeks of FMBB. Reminder that our competitors can earn their other national score at events held by other AWDF member clubs.
Discussion on using club funds. Ideas were to pay judges' fees apprentices pay to UScA, FMBB team support but also consider sponsorship and targeted fundraising, purchasing a membership program for issuing cards and keeping track of those who join and renewals, developing a trial paperwork program and database, sponsoring a seminar at the national event, developing a packet for breeders to give to puppy buyers that includes membership applications and club information. Other topics were to have the club buy short term CDs with some of the money and to use Xoom.com to minimize exchange fees for European/euro transfers.
Discussion of AWDF issues with treasury by Christopher Smith.
Meeting adjourned at 6:27. Motion by Christopher Smith, second by Tim Karchnak
Bowling Green, KentuckyAWMA National Championship Executive Board MeetingAnne Camper, Christopher Smith, Paul Konschak, Cynthia Zimmerman. Terry Miller, Donna McGinnis, Warren Jones, Kristina Carmody via telephone.
Called to order at 4:04 p.m.
Minutes were waived since they have been posted on the webpage and previously approved.
Appeals for waivers – Western region, all have had events except new club Cache Valley. Northern Region, all have had events or trials. Southern region, all have had events except the Atlanta club. They also did not have an event last year. The club will be given until January 1 to have an event or they will lose full club status.
Director at large election – unanimous for Glenn Stephenson
Discussion of AWDF, FCI, sports politics – information exchanged about current status of AWDF in the FCI, still seeking contract status. AWDF elections this coming spring will be for a director at large, vice president, and secretary. Discussion on UScA elections and change of leadership, brief discussion of DVG and the possibility of breaking with Germany.
Judges' program – Need for more AWMA judges. Our program has been accepted by AWDF and UScA so titles awarded by our judges are recognized by all AWDF member clubs. Discussion on criteria for becoming a judge and whether our criteria for entering the program should be reviewed. The Judges' Committee will look at the current program to determine if any changes should be made. Names of potential judges were posed.
Bonding of treasurer – Anne will check with First West Insurance to see if they will cover our treasurer.
Helper committee/program – decision to disband this ad hoc committee. Original intent was to select the helpers for the national event, but this is now done by the host club of the event and the WC/NE Committee. This committee will be restarted when necessary.
Meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.
November 9, 2012
Bowling Green, Kentucky
AWMA National Championship
General Board MeetingCalled to order, 5:05 p.m
Attendees – Anne Camper, Christopher Smith, Paul Konschak, Cynthia Zimmerman. Terry Miller, Donna McGinnis, Kristina Carmody via telephone.
Club delegates – Tim Karchnak (Three Mountains Working Dog Club), Jim Downey (Blue Water Working Dogs), Everhard Earnsting (Podium Belgian Shepherd Working Dog Club), Mario Gomes (Baystate Working Dog Club), John Wiitanen (Motor City Working Dogs). Also present Lisa Ann Strum, Jill Lyden
Waive reading of minutes, are already posted on website
Officer reportsPresident's report – not provided in interest of time
Vice president – no report
Secretary's report:
Greetings AWMA members. I'd like to begin by thanking all the clubs and members who have been supportive of the AWMA during the past year and for all your cooperation in responding to my requests as secretary. I begin with wonderful news, this past year the AWMA has gained five new full member clubs.
Please join me in welcoming:
- Cascade Belgian Shepherd Working Dog Club (reinstated);
- Tarhill Canine Protection Sports Club;
- Metro Detroit Schutzhund & Police K9;
- Baystate Working Dog Club; and
- Cache Valley Working Dog Club.
- The 2011 AWMA National Championship hosted by Global K9 Working Dogs and Machtig Strom Schutzhund Verein in Leland, Illinois, on September 30 - October 2, included 22 entries (18 IPO 3; 2 IPO 2; and 2 IPO 1).
- The 2012 AWDF Championship hosted by OG Landshark on May 9-13th, the AWMA fielded a team of 19 entries (17 IPO3, 1 IPO-FH, 1 BH).
- October 15-16, 2011, Three Mountains Working Dog Club = 8 entries
- November 12, 2011, Midwest Working Dog Association = 8 entries
- November 12-13, 2011, Podium Belgian Shepherd Working Dog Club = 14 entries
- June 15-16, 2012, Midwest Working Dog Association = 10 entries
- June 16-17, 2012, Metro Detroit Schutzhund & Police K9 = 17 entries
- July 21-22, 2012, Cascade Belgian Shepherd Working Dog Club = 14 entries
- September 29, 2012, Florida Working Dog Club = 10 entries
- October 6-7, 2012, Three Mountains Working Dog Club = 12 entries
- October 6-7, 2012, Baystate Working Dog Club = 15 entries
- October 26-27, 2012, Podium Belgian Shepherd Working Dog Club = 15 entries
Donna McGinnis, Secretary
Treasurer's Report
(A brief discussion of possibility of designating funds to FMBB team will be brought up under new business.)
AI /MA Treasurer's Report for November 09, 2012.
1.) Treasury Update:
- Current Balance: $18,484.66 ($19,964.83 in accounts, $1,480.17 pending checks).
- Please see 2012 AWMA Financial Statement for detailed breakdown of income and expenses.
- Additional projected checks still to be written this year: 2012 AWMA Nationals (additional $500); AWDF ($22O for 40 more scorebooks).
3.) 2013 Projected Budget: Very similar to last year's budget with the addition of an expense line item for an automatic $1,000 donation to the FMBB IPO Team to help pay for travel expenses. With the consistent annual rise of membership and donations, I believe we can easily meet this base number.
4.) We still need to fix the html code for the paypal scorebook payment button on the website. I will coordinate this with Dana with a deadline of December 31, 2012.
I apologize for not being able to make it this year as I have a prior commitment to attend a wedding this weekend.
Good luck to all the competitors! I'd like to take this time to also thank the rest of the board for all their time and hard work.
Kristina Carmody, Treasurer
Membership chair
For the year 2012-2013 we have again seen an increase in our membership from the previous two years which is quite amazing considering so many dog clubs are seeing declining memberships! This year we have 139 individual memberships and 18 family memberships. My goal for this year is to get our membership into a database to streamline card processing times. Currently we are on a paper system which unfortunately is time consuming and there are too many errors being made on my part. I'm hoping we can purchase a prefabricated membership database program that will make it easier to send out renewals, process paypal transactions, and keep track of everything going on with the membership so there are no delays in sending out cards. I'm hoping to get something approved by the EB in time for renewals to go out next April.
Dana McMahan, Membership Chair
Committee reportsWC/NE
AWMA Membership and Board of Directors:
2012 was yet again an unbelievable year for many of our AWMA members. I am happy to report that the IPO and Agility Teams had a fantastic time at the 2012 FMBB World Championships held in Rocca di Pappa, Italy.
Congratulations to this year's teams that competed in Italy. The IPO teams were Benny Barmapov and Master de Alphaville Bohemia, Harry Wagner and Augustus Caesar Haus Wagner, David Green and Luigi Du Dantero, and Sean Rivera and Daneskjold and the two agility teams were Kimberly Buchanan and Sprite's Entertaining Choice 'Emmy' and Shari Lipski and Amara von der Eichenquelle.
A very special congratulations to David Greene and Luigi Du Dantero for placing third in both the IPO World Cup and the IPO World Championships and to Sean Rivera and Daneskjold Iron for placing eighth in the IPO World Cup and sixth in the IPO World Championship. What fantastic accomplishments!
The 2013 FMBB World Championships are scheduled to be located in Koper, Slovenia. The dates are April 30th through May 5th. I will have the updated Competitor Rules and Regulations for the IPO, Mondio, and Agility Teams posted to the AWMA and Mondio websites very soon. As additional information becomes available, we will post the details. If you have any questions, please feel free to call or email me. Future FMBB World Championships are slated for Finland for 2014, the Czech Republic in 2015, and France for 2016.
I would like to thank everyone that volunteered their time to help make local, national, and international events a success in 2012. Thank you to Motor City Working Dogs, Paula Daigle, and John Wiitanen for their time in putting this year's AWMA National Championship together. I regret that I was not able to attend this year but our dog club is hosting a trial this weekend.
Good luck to everyone competing this weekend!
Shari L. Lipski, AWMA World Championship & National Events Committee Chairperson
JudgesOn behalf of the judges' committee, I am pleased to submit the following report for the 2011-2012 year.
During the year, we had three listed apprentices. Cynthia Zimmerman completed three apprenticeships, Christopher Smith completed part of a walkthrough at the 2011 AWMA Nationals, and Dana Williams was on maternity leave. I am excited and delighted to report that, barring unforeseen circumstances, Cynthia will complete her apprenticeship at the AWMA Nationals. The executive board has already given 100% approval of her license (provisional on a pass on the last apprenticeship), and we will be asking the General Board to elect her to Director of Judges under the same Provisional Conditions. Also since last year we have removed Christopher Smith from the apprentice list for insufficient progress, and hope that he can find the time to reconsider the position later. Dana Miller is preparing to go off maternity leave and begin her two walkthroughs in the Phoenix area this winter.
On a more personal note, I wish to extend my appreciation for all the support I've received from the AWMA members and clubs in performing as a sort of "acting DOJ", and wish Cynthia success in the position for the future. The relationship between the judges' organizations within the AWDF may turn out to be critical to the path forward for everyone in protection sports, and we will need some with experience and a level head to keep us on track!
Warren L. Jones, Chair, Judges' Committee, 2010-2012
No report, see proposed by laws changes
No report, no BOI proceedings
No report, auditing done by bank
Our website sponsorship continues to go fairly strong and we encourage any members who own a dog-related business to check us out for banner advertisement. Our Facebook page has been incredibly active, and both Mohawk John and Anne Camper have been given Administrator abilities to keep the page up to date. We currently have over 3100 Fans of our page, which continues to be the most popular dog club page of any of the AWDF Clubs. Our AWMA website was hacked in March 2012 and we had to hire some outside technical support to get everything cleaned up and secured. We really appreciate the help of John Wilkins of Global Live Inc who took care of everything for us! As always, the website committee needs volunteers so if anyone has time to help keep things up to date on the website please let myself or Anne Camper know.
Dana McMahan, Website Chair
The Newsletter was a new task for me for mid-2011, taking over for James Downey. I put out Newsletter 7 Issue 1 & 2 to catch up, and the Spring 2012 Issue. In June of 2012, I requested the Executive Board review the need for quarterly newsletters as it takes a great amount of effort to accumulate the materials and the work of several people to coordinate to get it together. The EB decided to move to a yearly newsletter with quarterly Presidents Reports which should help keep the membership up to date and help ease the work load for the organization. As always, if anyone wants to volunteer to assist in collecting articles for the newsletter, please volunteer!
Dana McMahan, Newsletter Editor
Revisions to by-laws : After presentation of a synopsis of the proposed changes, a motion to accept all changes was made by Paul Konschak, second by Christopher Smith. Passed unanimously.
Issue 1 - Submission of club lists
Article V, section 2 d: Each member club is responsible for ensuring the good standing of its individual members in AWMA. A complete current membership list shall be submitted to the AWMA Membership Chairperson by each September 1st.
Article IV, section 1 g: Club delegates to the General Board Meeting shall be selected from the most recent membership list of each AWMA club, submitted to the AWMA Secretary no more than thirty (30) days before the General Board meeting. Not later than two (2) days prior to the annual meeting of the General Board of Directors the Secretary shall verify that a club is in good standing in order for its delegate to be seated. Each club shall elect a delegate and an alternate from their membership. The delegate and alternate must present a letter of such appointment signed by two club officers prior to admission at the General Board meeting. The alternate may vote only in the case that the delegate is not present at the time a vote is called for. Clubs which are granted affiliated or full member status after the thirty (30) day deadline but before the meeting may send the membership list to the meeting with the club's Delegate. This list must be presented before the Delegate or Alternate will be seated.
Recommend to modify Article V, section 2, item d as follows by deleting the second sentence:
Each member club is responsible for ensuring the good standing of its individual members in AWMA.
Issue 2 – requirement that all club members belong to AWMA
This is difficult to enforce. If a club has dual membership in two organizations, they will have members who don't belong to both organizations and this is allowed in our by-laws.
We currently have these items:
- Article V, section 1 a (ii): Requires all members of the club to become full members of AWMA.
- Article V, section 1 b (iii): In order to be upgraded from affiliated status or to be granted direct admittance, a club must consist of not fewer than three (3) members, only two (2) of which may be part of any family membership.
- Article V, section 1b (iv): To be in good standing a club's dues to AWMA must be current, the AWMA dues of all members of the club must be current and the club may not be under any disciplinary action from AWMA.
- Article V, section 1 c (i): Complete the requirements as outlined in this article, section 1, Part a, Items (i) through (vii).
Issue 3 – club dues
Article V, section 2 e: Each member club in good standing shall remit annual dues in the amount specified by the General Board by January 1.
Suggest changing by adding second sentence: If a new club joins after June 1, their dues on January 1 of the following year are half (1/2) the amount established.
Presentation of slate of officers, all current officers are seeking re-election. Call for nominations from the floor, none presented. Motion to accept slate of officers and director at large by Paul Konschak, second by Cynthia Zimmerman. Elected unanimously by acclimation.
Election of Director of Judges.
Explanation of selection of Cynthia, vote taken by EB to accept as judge providing that final apprenticeship at this trial was successful. Cynthia has agreed to act as DOJ. Motion to accept her as DOJ by Jim Downey, second by Paul Konschak, elected unanimously. Brief discussion of need for more judges, request to attendees to contact those they know and encourage them to apply to the program.
Committee elections –
- Auditing Committee, nominees were Christopher Smith, Michelle Kutelis, Paul Konschak, no further nominations, elected unanimously by acclimation.
- Board of Inquiry – nominees were Dana Miller, Mario Gomes, Tim Karchnak for the committee and Christopher Smith as alternate, elected unanimously by acclimation.
- Judges Committee – nominees were Glenn Stephenson as judge, Christopher Smith as additional member, elected unanimously by acclimation.
- Nominating Committee – nominee was Deb Stephenson, elected unanimously by acclimation.
- Sponsorship Committee – nominees were Deb Stephenson and Shari Lipski, elected unanimously by acclimation.
- By-laws Committee – nominees were Samie Jones and Shari Lipski, elected unanimously by acclimation.
- Website Committee – nominees were Dana McMahan and Anne Camper, elected unanimously by acclimation.
- Newsletter editor – Dana McMahan elected unanimously by acclimation.
- WC/NE Committee – nominees were Jim Honda and Shari Lipski, elected unanimously by acclimation.
November 21. Motion to accept the minutes from the 2011 AWMA Board Meetings as written. Motion by Dana Williams, second by Les Flores. Motion carried, closed.
Yes: Dana Williams, Les Flores, Bob Miller, Paul Konschak, Warren Jones, Kristina Carmody, Anne Camper, Donna McGinnis
Did not vote: Christopher Smith, Terry Miller
November 24. Accept the FCI rules with an amendment to allow competitors to trial three dogs at club level events. Motion by Dana Williams, second by Donna McGinnis. Vote closed and passed.
Background: The AWMA has previously voted to accept the slate of titles offered under the new FCI rules. This motion was to consider a modification to the FCI rules that allow for only two entries.
Yes: Donna McGinnis, Christopher Smith, Warren Jones, Dana Williams, Terry Miller, Kristina Carmody, Anne Camper, Paul Konschak, Bob Miller
Did not vote: Les Flores
November 29. Motion to order 20 DVDs (from the FCI) and sell them at cost to AWMA members only. Motion by Donna McGinnis, second by Bob Miller. DVDs have been prepared by the FCI illustrating the new rules and the vote is whether to purchase these and make them available for purchase. Vote closed and passed.
Yes: Donna McGinnis, Bob Miller, Les Flores, Warren Jones, Dana Williams, Kristina Carmody, Anne Camper, Terry Miller
No: Paul Konschak
Did not vote: Christopher Smith
January 5. Motion to cancel purchase of DVDs regarding 2012 rules. Motion by Donna McGinnis, second by Warren Jones. Motion carried.
Yes: Bob Miller, Donna McGinnis, Les Flores, Christopher Smith, Warren Jones, Paul Konschak, Anne Camper
Did not vote: Terry Miller, Kristina Carmody, Dana Williams
February 2. Motion to reinstate Cascade Belgian Shepherd Club as a full member AWMA Club. Motion by Donna McGinnis, second Warren Jones. Motion carried.
Yes : Les Flores, Dana Williams, Paul Konschak, Terry Miller, Donna McGinnis, Christopher Smith, Anne Camper, Bob Miller
Did not vote : Warren Jones, Kristina Carmody
February 15. I make a motion to move forward with forming a working relationship with the Belgian Sheepdog Club of America. Motion by Bob Miller, second by Terry Miller. Context: AWMA was contacted by the BSCA to start a program for recording of titles on AKC pedigrees similar to what already exists with the American Belgian Malinois Club. Motion passed.
Yes: Paul Konschak, Dana Williams, Bob Miller, Warren Jones, Donna McGinnis, Christopher Smith, Anne Camper
Did not vote: Les Flores, Kristina Carmody, Terry Miller
February 27. I make the motion to accept the bid from Motor City Working Dogs to host the AWMA National IPO Championship. Bob Miller, second by Warren Jones. This was the only bid received for the 2012 Championships. The bid was reviewed and put forward by the WC/NE Committee for a vote. Passed.
Yes: Anne Camper, Les Flores, Warren Jones, Donna McGinnis, Dana Williams, Paul Konschak, Bob Miller
Did not vote: Christopher Smith, Kristina Carmody, Terry Miller
March 7. Motion to pay for the 2012 AWDF trophy for high malinois at $100. Motion by Les Flores, second by Warren Jones. Vote passed.
Yes: Warren Jones, Bob Miller, Dana Williams, Christopher Smith, Anne Camper, Donna Miller, Paul Konschak, Les Flores
Did not vote: Terry Miller, Kristina Carmody
March 7. Motion that we budget for the AWDF high malinois trophy for future years. Motion by Warren Jones, second by Donna McGinnis. Passed.
Yes: Donna McGinnis, Les Flores, Anne Camper, Warren Jones, Dana Williams, Paul Konschak, Bob Miller
Did not vote: Christopher Smith,Terry Miller, Kristina Carmody
March 24. Motion to approve $250 expenditure for website consultation for technical support. Motion by Donna McGinnis, second by Christopher Smith.
Funds to support changes and help with hacking problem. Passed.
Yes: Paul Konschak, Warren Jones, Dana Mahan, Donna McGinnis, Anne Camper, Les Flores
Did not vote: Christopher Smith, Bob Miller, Kristina Carmody, Terry Miller
May 4. I make the motion to accept Tarheel Protection Sports as full members. Motion by Christopher Smith, second by Bob Miller Note that acceptance will be contingent on receipt of club dues and any other outstanding requirements. Passed.
Yes: Terry Miller, Les Flores, Christopher Smith, Anne Camper, Paul Konschak
No: Kristina Carmody, Donna McGinnis, Dana Mahan, Warren Jones
Did not vote: Bob Miller
May 22. Move to accept Metro-Detroit SchH & Police K9 as a full member AWMA club. Motion by Donna McGinnis, second by Kristina Carmody. Passed.
Yes: Warren Jones, Kristina Carmody, Anne Camper, Donna McGinnis, Bob Miller, Terry Miller, Christopher Smith, Paul Konschak, Les Flores
Did not vote: Dana McMahan
July 23. Move to revise schedule of publication of AWMA's newsletter to one annual issue at the beginning of each calendar year and publication of President reports on a quarterly basis of each calendar year. Motion by Donna McGinnis, second by Bob Miller. Passed.
Yes: Dana McMahan, Christopher Smith, Bob Miller, Paul Konschak, Warren Jones, Les Flores, Anne Camper, Donna McGinnis
Did not vote: Kristina Carmody, Terry Miller
August 26. I move that the board approve the application of Bay State Working Dog Club for full member status as an AWMA club. Motion by Warren Jones, second by Les Flores. Passed.
Yes: Bob Miller, Les Flores, Dana McMahan, Terry Miller, Anne Camper, Donna McGinnis, Warren Jones, Paul Konschak, Christopher Smith
Did not vote: Kristina Carmody
September 26. Move that Cynthia Zimmerman be granted provisional status as an AWMA judge, with provisional status being removed upon receipt of a positive evaluation of her final apprenticeship at the 2012 AWMA National Championship.
Motion by Donna McGinnis, second by Bob Miller. Rationale: The acceptance would make Cynthia Zimmerman eligible to be elected as the AWMA Director of Judges at the AWMA National meeting. This would allow us to be in compliance with our by-laws. Passed unanimously.
Yes: Anne Camper, Christopher Smith, Donna McGinnis, Dana McMahan, Les Flores, Warren Jones, Terry Miller, Bob Miller, Kristina Carmody, Paul Konschak
October 9. Move to accept Cache Valley Working Dogs Club (CVWDC) as a full member AWMA club. Motion by Donna McGinnis, second Les Flores
Yes: Christopher Smith, Kristina Carmody, Paul Konschak, Warren Jones, Anne Camper, Bob Miller, Donna McGinnis, Les Flores
Did not vote: Dana McMahan, Terry Miller
October 18. Move to provide up to $500.00 from appointed, donated funds to sponsor AWMA members and trial volunteers attendance to the 2012 AWMA National Championship judge's dinner in celebration of our 10th anniversary. Motion by Donna McGinnis, second by Bob Miller. Specially donated funds were provided to the AWMA to support the National Championship. This motion would provide resources to honor our members and volunteers at our 10th anual event. Passed.
Yes: Anne Camper, Donna McGinnis, Kristina Carmody, Paul Konschak, Les Flores, Bob Miller
Did not vote: Dana McMahan, Christopher Smith, Warren Jones, Terry Miller
Judges and officiating at AWMA events – UScA charging for judges, consider bringing in FCI judges and sharing between clubs. Reminder that requests for UScA judges go to their DOJ. FCI judge requests go through the AWDF secretary. SV judge requests go through UScA.
Recruiting AWMA judges, discussed earlier, reiteration to contact qualified people to participate.
AWMA Nationals – will send out request in the near future, decision to be made in February.
FCI/FMBB updates. FMBB is April 30 – May 2. Message sent to AWDF stating that there shouldn't be a conflict between the AWDF Championship and the FMBB, AWDF should not be held within three weeks of FMBB. Reminder that our competitors can earn their other national score at events held by other AWDF member clubs.
Discussion on using club funds. Ideas were to pay judges' fees apprentices pay to UScA, FMBB team support but also consider sponsorship and targeted fundraising, purchasing a membership program for issuing cards and keeping track of those who join and renewals, developing a trial paperwork program and database, sponsoring a seminar at the national event, developing a packet for breeders to give to puppy buyers that includes membership applications and club information. Other topics were to have the club buy short term CDs with some of the money and to use Xoom.com to minimize exchange fees for European/euro transfers.
Discussion of AWDF issues with treasury by Christopher Smith.
Meeting adjourned at 6:27. Motion by Christopher Smith, second by Tim Karchnak