Minutes of 2009 Executive and General Board Meetings
Executive Board Meeting Minutes - December 3, 2009
Anne Camper
Dana Williams
Terry Miller
Christopher Smith
Dre’ Hastings
Ivan Balabanov
Kristina Carmody
Glenn Stephenson
James Downey
1. Call to Order
2. Reading of minutes of previous meeting
3. Appeals for waiver of annual event from local clubs
4. Relationships between AWMA, FMBB, AWDF/USA, FCI and AKC
5. Composition (breeds) of AWMA agility team
6. Consideration of having a CPA do taxes
7. What should we do about our regions and the regional program?
a. Increased responsibilities for regional directors, including required club trial approvals, waivers, etc.
8. Need for contracts with host club for Nationals – funds being made available next year
9. Vision for what AWMA should be in the future
1. Call to Order
The Annual meeting of the AWMA was called to order at 3:00 pm on December 3, 2009 in Plant City, at the Red Rose Inn by Anne Camper.
An electronic vote for by-law changes was discussed since there would not be a quorum for this year’s general board meeting. Three club delegates were needed, only three declared by required deadline; Terry Miller for High Mesa, Joey Leigh for Atlanta, and JJ Belcher for Southern Arizona. Southern Arizona did not make it to the National.
2. Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted without a reading.
Motion to accept made by Christopher Smith
2nd by Terry Miller passed
3. Appeals for waiver of annual event from local clubs
Clubs that had not held events this year were discussed and two clubs requested waivers. High Mesa held two Mondioring events instead of IPO. Southern Arizona lost members this year and is currently rebuilding the club and hopes to be more active next year. Motion made to accept club waivers for both clubs made by Dana Williams.
2nd by Christopher Smith passed
4. Relationships between AWMA, FMBB, AWDF/USA, FCI and AKC
The situation of performance sports for AKC was discussed. Christopher handed out a chart showing the connections between VDH, FCI, AKC, and member clubs. Partnerships are being formed between AKC member clubs and AWDF member clubs, the GSDCA selected WDA. Possible impacts of this selection were discussed as well as recent scorebook and membership decisions made by USCA. The meeting participants felt the need to move on the partnership to the benefit of our breed as soon as possible.
As of December 3, 2009, motion to move forward with a partnership with ABMC to report working titles to AKC, starting with BH, IPO 1, 2, and 3.
Motion by Dre’ Hastings
2nd by James Downey
Motion approved unanimously.
Implementation considerations:
Form with title, AKC fee, and AWMA fee sent to AWMA (secretary)
Form gets stamped and sent to AKC
AWMA fee can be for Administer of Records and creation of database
5. Composition (breeds) of AWMA agility team
Short discussion regarding other Belgian shepherd breeds being allowed for FMBB. Though this might be a good thing eventually, there was no interest in making changes at this time.
6. Consideration of having a CPA do taxes
Kristina reported that the CPA had completed his work regarding taxes and is no longer needed since she has a form in place that will make submitting taxes reasonably easy. The forms for back taxes as well as the taxes for 2008 were submitted simultaneously. We are awaiting the decision from the IRS on the amount of the penalties.
General donations were $660, T-Shirt Sales $230. All lower than last year. FMBB no-show entries totaled $750.
Expenses for this year include $1500 for the National Championship. Expenses also include FMBB uniforms for both 2008 and 2009; $924.58 and $794.35. As of December 1, 2009 there is $14,900.31 in the account, checks pending to be debited total $5731.17 with a balanced amount of $9169.14.
For next year less expensive and more useful uniforms should be considered.
7. What should we do about our regions and the regional program?
This is the first year regional directors were elected, duties are in the by-laws but there will be increased responsibilities. We will need their help with representation to the board, waivers, required club trial approvals, and helping to get trial results on web sites.
8. Need for contracts with host club for Nationals – funds being made available next year
AWMA is now providing seed money from the National entries to be applied to the next National. A contract will be needed to reduce risk and so there is an understanding regarding use of the provided funds. It was suggested that DVG has a good contract that can be used for ideas.
9. Vision for what AWMA should be in the future
There is a need to establish a vision for the organization. What should we be doing? What is our focus? Where do we fit with the FMBB, the AWDF, and the FCI? There was agreement that decisions should be made for the good of the Belgian Malinois. There is hope that if AWMA does the right thing, they can be an example to other breed clubs.
10. Miscellaneous.
Ivan has concerns regarding the scheduling of the AWDF Championships so close to the FMBB competition. It was suggested that it would be good politics for AWMA to make a bid to host the championship, and therefore select the date as per guidelines. Ivan expressed interested in making a bid to host the next AWDF championship.
Motion to adjourn Dana Williams
2nd by Dre’Hastings
Meeting closed at 4:05 pm.
General Board Meeting Minutes - December 3, 2009 No official meeting could be held due to lack of quorum
Anne Camper
Dana Williams
Terry Miller
Christopher Smith
Dre’ Hastings
Ivan Balabanov
Kristina Carmody
Glenn Stephenson
James Downey
Joey Leigh
Mike Morgan
Paul Therkildsen
Shawn Thompson
1. Call to Order
2. Reading of minutes of previous meeting
3. Officer reports
Vice President
Budget summary from previous year
Proposed budget for next year
Membership chair
4. Committee reports
World Championship/National Events
Director of Judges
Board of Inquiry
5. Revisions to by-laws
Information disseminated on website and messages to clubs and regionaldirectors
6. Elections
Directors if needed
Director of Judges
7. Old Business
Relationship between ABMC and AWMA; AWDF and AKC
Club insurance – efforts taken since last meeting
Tax exempt status
8. New Business
Multiple year membership dues
Discussion of motions and actions taken by board in previous year
Updates on new programs – scorebooks, IPO 3 club, paypal
Updates on AWDF issues
Bids for next year’s AWMA Championships
1. Call to Order
The Annual meeting of the AWMA was called to order at 4:09 pm on December 3, 2009 in Plant City, at the Red Rose Inn by Anne Camper.
Anne noted there is not a quorum for this meeting but we would continue and set up electronic votes for the by-law changes.
2. Reading of minutes of previous meeting
Reading of minutes waived.
3. Officer reports
Anne commented that this has been a good year. We are becoming a model for other breed organizations. They are looking to us as good examples for by-laws and openness. Anne invites all views to be sent to herself or other board members.
New Scorebook applications announced and sample passed around. This application will enable Malinois normally labeled as Mix to have their scorebook identify them as “Belgian Malinois” as long as they qualify according to the application.
An IPO 3 club has been formed for AWMA members.
These and all other motions for the year can be found on the web site.
Vice President
Christopher - Nothing to report.
Secretary Report
Terry handed out a report including the list of clubs. It is not current and she will post the revised version soon after minutes are posted. There are 8 old clubs that have renewed; Atlanta, Cascade, High Mesa, Podium, Motor City, Spirit, TCT, and Yellowstone. Southern Arizona is in process of renewing their club with new members. Midwest WDC did not renew and have not been able to contact them since early this year.
There are 2 new full member clubs; Sacramento and Florida WDC. There is one new affiliate club; Phoenix AWMA.
Declared Delegates to this National: Terry Miller for High Mesa, JJ Belcher for Southern Arizona, Joey Leigh and Mike Morgan (alternate) for Atlanta. As of today Southern Arizona is not a current club, and JJ is not present.
There have been 43 scorebooks issued as of November 30. More applications are on their way; so there should be a few more before year end. Past year totals: 2005 21, 2006 35, 2007 24, 2008 39.
The bulk of secretary work was the processing of AWDF championship entries. There were 18 IPO 3 entries, 1 IPO 2 entry, and 1 IPO 1 entry.
Treasury Report
Back taxes are done. The CPA is done. Banner ads brought in $100; expired ads should be removed today. Total income is $8255 to date, expenses are nearly the same but include payments that should have been made in 2008.
Membership Chair Report
Dana reported 93 individual memberships and 18 family memberships. There were several donations where they did not specify where they wanted to go, so they were put under General, this included a $500 donation. More memberships are expected for the remaining year as a change of address disrupted the application process. Many of the National entries are just getting their cards and some still need to finish the process before being allowed to compete.
Memberships are expected to increase with AWDF scorebooks, the new Mix to Belgian Malinois Scorebooks, and AKC partnerships. Paypal will make it much easier to join and renew.
4. Committee reports
No report, there is only Ivan at this point.
World Championship/National Event
Letter from Shari Lipski was read. FMBB is in Germany next year, declarations are due February 1, 2010.
Director of Judges
Danny Craig withdrew. No apprentices at this time. Nathanial and Glenn are the only AWMA judges.
Discussion about more sponsorship was held. Kristina commented that we should try to find sponsors for uniforms. An effort should be made to work on getting more banner ads.
Warren has put together all the changes and submitted to the board.
Board of Inquiry
Things have been good, nothing to report.
No audits to report.
5. Revisions to by-laws
Because we do not have a quorum, by-law changes can not be voted on at this time.
Voting will be set up electronically with a yes or no for each item.
6. Elections
Board elections are on even years, so no vote this year. Clubs elected regional directors for the first time this year.
For committees, the following are interested:
Board of Inquiry: Glenn, Christopher, and Paula Daigle
Newsletter: James
World Championships: Kristina
Website: Dana would like to help with finding edits
For some committees there is a need to make appointments since there was not a quorum to have an election.
7. Old Business
Recent news concerning the ABMC – AKC – AWDF/FCI were mentioned and will be posted in our newsletter. We would like to encourage memberships in ABMC and volunteers for positions in AWDF.
Club insurance continues to be a difficulty to find and afford. Anne had help trying to find an umbrella agency, but could not find anything. She is open to suggestions.
We are not 501-C, a charitable organization. We do qualify as a social club 501-C7, but these are income restrictive.
8. New Business
Regarding membership dues, feedback is encouraged.
Dara will keep up website.
Glenn discussed AWDF issues, especially regarding the strong influence of member club USCA. Need other clubs to have votes, to participate in elections at AWDF.
Regarding bids for 2010 AWMA Championships – we currently have none. Dana and Shawn will talk to western area clubs to put something together. JJ Belcher’s club might be a good start, or begin a new club that can host central or west coast championship.
We need to host a AWDF championship, Ivan will put together a bid.
Meeting closed at 5:20 pm.
Minutes submitted by: Terry Miller, Secretary
Anne Camper
Dana Williams
Terry Miller
Christopher Smith
Dre’ Hastings
Ivan Balabanov
Kristina Carmody
Glenn Stephenson
James Downey
1. Call to Order
2. Reading of minutes of previous meeting
3. Appeals for waiver of annual event from local clubs
4. Relationships between AWMA, FMBB, AWDF/USA, FCI and AKC
5. Composition (breeds) of AWMA agility team
6. Consideration of having a CPA do taxes
7. What should we do about our regions and the regional program?
a. Increased responsibilities for regional directors, including required club trial approvals, waivers, etc.
8. Need for contracts with host club for Nationals – funds being made available next year
9. Vision for what AWMA should be in the future
1. Call to Order
The Annual meeting of the AWMA was called to order at 3:00 pm on December 3, 2009 in Plant City, at the Red Rose Inn by Anne Camper.
An electronic vote for by-law changes was discussed since there would not be a quorum for this year’s general board meeting. Three club delegates were needed, only three declared by required deadline; Terry Miller for High Mesa, Joey Leigh for Atlanta, and JJ Belcher for Southern Arizona. Southern Arizona did not make it to the National.
2. Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted without a reading.
Motion to accept made by Christopher Smith
2nd by Terry Miller passed
3. Appeals for waiver of annual event from local clubs
Clubs that had not held events this year were discussed and two clubs requested waivers. High Mesa held two Mondioring events instead of IPO. Southern Arizona lost members this year and is currently rebuilding the club and hopes to be more active next year. Motion made to accept club waivers for both clubs made by Dana Williams.
2nd by Christopher Smith passed
4. Relationships between AWMA, FMBB, AWDF/USA, FCI and AKC
The situation of performance sports for AKC was discussed. Christopher handed out a chart showing the connections between VDH, FCI, AKC, and member clubs. Partnerships are being formed between AKC member clubs and AWDF member clubs, the GSDCA selected WDA. Possible impacts of this selection were discussed as well as recent scorebook and membership decisions made by USCA. The meeting participants felt the need to move on the partnership to the benefit of our breed as soon as possible.
As of December 3, 2009, motion to move forward with a partnership with ABMC to report working titles to AKC, starting with BH, IPO 1, 2, and 3.
Motion by Dre’ Hastings
2nd by James Downey
Motion approved unanimously.
Implementation considerations:
Form with title, AKC fee, and AWMA fee sent to AWMA (secretary)
Form gets stamped and sent to AKC
AWMA fee can be for Administer of Records and creation of database
5. Composition (breeds) of AWMA agility team
Short discussion regarding other Belgian shepherd breeds being allowed for FMBB. Though this might be a good thing eventually, there was no interest in making changes at this time.
6. Consideration of having a CPA do taxes
Kristina reported that the CPA had completed his work regarding taxes and is no longer needed since she has a form in place that will make submitting taxes reasonably easy. The forms for back taxes as well as the taxes for 2008 were submitted simultaneously. We are awaiting the decision from the IRS on the amount of the penalties.
General donations were $660, T-Shirt Sales $230. All lower than last year. FMBB no-show entries totaled $750.
Expenses for this year include $1500 for the National Championship. Expenses also include FMBB uniforms for both 2008 and 2009; $924.58 and $794.35. As of December 1, 2009 there is $14,900.31 in the account, checks pending to be debited total $5731.17 with a balanced amount of $9169.14.
For next year less expensive and more useful uniforms should be considered.
7. What should we do about our regions and the regional program?
This is the first year regional directors were elected, duties are in the by-laws but there will be increased responsibilities. We will need their help with representation to the board, waivers, required club trial approvals, and helping to get trial results on web sites.
8. Need for contracts with host club for Nationals – funds being made available next year
AWMA is now providing seed money from the National entries to be applied to the next National. A contract will be needed to reduce risk and so there is an understanding regarding use of the provided funds. It was suggested that DVG has a good contract that can be used for ideas.
9. Vision for what AWMA should be in the future
There is a need to establish a vision for the organization. What should we be doing? What is our focus? Where do we fit with the FMBB, the AWDF, and the FCI? There was agreement that decisions should be made for the good of the Belgian Malinois. There is hope that if AWMA does the right thing, they can be an example to other breed clubs.
10. Miscellaneous.
Ivan has concerns regarding the scheduling of the AWDF Championships so close to the FMBB competition. It was suggested that it would be good politics for AWMA to make a bid to host the championship, and therefore select the date as per guidelines. Ivan expressed interested in making a bid to host the next AWDF championship.
Motion to adjourn Dana Williams
2nd by Dre’Hastings
Meeting closed at 4:05 pm.
General Board Meeting Minutes - December 3, 2009 No official meeting could be held due to lack of quorum
Anne Camper
Dana Williams
Terry Miller
Christopher Smith
Dre’ Hastings
Ivan Balabanov
Kristina Carmody
Glenn Stephenson
James Downey
Joey Leigh
Mike Morgan
Paul Therkildsen
Shawn Thompson
1. Call to Order
2. Reading of minutes of previous meeting
3. Officer reports
Vice President
Budget summary from previous year
Proposed budget for next year
Membership chair
4. Committee reports
World Championship/National Events
Director of Judges
Board of Inquiry
5. Revisions to by-laws
Information disseminated on website and messages to clubs and regionaldirectors
6. Elections
Directors if needed
Director of Judges
7. Old Business
Relationship between ABMC and AWMA; AWDF and AKC
Club insurance – efforts taken since last meeting
Tax exempt status
8. New Business
Multiple year membership dues
Discussion of motions and actions taken by board in previous year
Updates on new programs – scorebooks, IPO 3 club, paypal
Updates on AWDF issues
Bids for next year’s AWMA Championships
1. Call to Order
The Annual meeting of the AWMA was called to order at 4:09 pm on December 3, 2009 in Plant City, at the Red Rose Inn by Anne Camper.
Anne noted there is not a quorum for this meeting but we would continue and set up electronic votes for the by-law changes.
2. Reading of minutes of previous meeting
Reading of minutes waived.
3. Officer reports
Anne commented that this has been a good year. We are becoming a model for other breed organizations. They are looking to us as good examples for by-laws and openness. Anne invites all views to be sent to herself or other board members.
New Scorebook applications announced and sample passed around. This application will enable Malinois normally labeled as Mix to have their scorebook identify them as “Belgian Malinois” as long as they qualify according to the application.
An IPO 3 club has been formed for AWMA members.
These and all other motions for the year can be found on the web site.
Vice President
Christopher - Nothing to report.
Secretary Report
Terry handed out a report including the list of clubs. It is not current and she will post the revised version soon after minutes are posted. There are 8 old clubs that have renewed; Atlanta, Cascade, High Mesa, Podium, Motor City, Spirit, TCT, and Yellowstone. Southern Arizona is in process of renewing their club with new members. Midwest WDC did not renew and have not been able to contact them since early this year.
There are 2 new full member clubs; Sacramento and Florida WDC. There is one new affiliate club; Phoenix AWMA.
Declared Delegates to this National: Terry Miller for High Mesa, JJ Belcher for Southern Arizona, Joey Leigh and Mike Morgan (alternate) for Atlanta. As of today Southern Arizona is not a current club, and JJ is not present.
There have been 43 scorebooks issued as of November 30. More applications are on their way; so there should be a few more before year end. Past year totals: 2005 21, 2006 35, 2007 24, 2008 39.
The bulk of secretary work was the processing of AWDF championship entries. There were 18 IPO 3 entries, 1 IPO 2 entry, and 1 IPO 1 entry.
Treasury Report
Back taxes are done. The CPA is done. Banner ads brought in $100; expired ads should be removed today. Total income is $8255 to date, expenses are nearly the same but include payments that should have been made in 2008.
Membership Chair Report
Dana reported 93 individual memberships and 18 family memberships. There were several donations where they did not specify where they wanted to go, so they were put under General, this included a $500 donation. More memberships are expected for the remaining year as a change of address disrupted the application process. Many of the National entries are just getting their cards and some still need to finish the process before being allowed to compete.
Memberships are expected to increase with AWDF scorebooks, the new Mix to Belgian Malinois Scorebooks, and AKC partnerships. Paypal will make it much easier to join and renew.
4. Committee reports
No report, there is only Ivan at this point.
World Championship/National Event
Letter from Shari Lipski was read. FMBB is in Germany next year, declarations are due February 1, 2010.
Director of Judges
Danny Craig withdrew. No apprentices at this time. Nathanial and Glenn are the only AWMA judges.
Discussion about more sponsorship was held. Kristina commented that we should try to find sponsors for uniforms. An effort should be made to work on getting more banner ads.
Warren has put together all the changes and submitted to the board.
Board of Inquiry
Things have been good, nothing to report.
No audits to report.
5. Revisions to by-laws
Because we do not have a quorum, by-law changes can not be voted on at this time.
Voting will be set up electronically with a yes or no for each item.
6. Elections
Board elections are on even years, so no vote this year. Clubs elected regional directors for the first time this year.
For committees, the following are interested:
Board of Inquiry: Glenn, Christopher, and Paula Daigle
Newsletter: James
World Championships: Kristina
Website: Dana would like to help with finding edits
For some committees there is a need to make appointments since there was not a quorum to have an election.
7. Old Business
Recent news concerning the ABMC – AKC – AWDF/FCI were mentioned and will be posted in our newsletter. We would like to encourage memberships in ABMC and volunteers for positions in AWDF.
Club insurance continues to be a difficulty to find and afford. Anne had help trying to find an umbrella agency, but could not find anything. She is open to suggestions.
We are not 501-C, a charitable organization. We do qualify as a social club 501-C7, but these are income restrictive.
8. New Business
Regarding membership dues, feedback is encouraged.
Dara will keep up website.
Glenn discussed AWDF issues, especially regarding the strong influence of member club USCA. Need other clubs to have votes, to participate in elections at AWDF.
Regarding bids for 2010 AWMA Championships – we currently have none. Dana and Shawn will talk to western area clubs to put something together. JJ Belcher’s club might be a good start, or begin a new club that can host central or west coast championship.
We need to host a AWDF championship, Ivan will put together a bid.
Meeting closed at 5:20 pm.
Minutes submitted by: Terry Miller, Secretary