2005 Annual Meeting Minutes
Oct. 21, 2005 in Marietta, GA.I. Call to orderPres. Glenn Stephenson called to order the regular meeting of the AWMA at 4.10pm on Oct. 21, 2005 in Marietta, GA.
II. Roll callGlenn Stephenson conducted a roll call. The following persons were present:
In Person:
IV. Executive Committee Reports
Regions and directors - Mike Baker wants a membership list to set up regions. There was some discussion as to why regions were important, and the major reason is so that members who do not have a local club have representation. Anne will put together the list and help with by-laws. Discussion was held on how local clubs can afford dual insurance premiums since many are already USA or DVG clubs. Hardy Ernsting described how Podium has an umbrella club that covers all their breed clubs.
VIII. AdjournmentChristopher Smith adjourned the meeting
Minutes submitted by: Molly Butler
Minutes approved by:
AWMA Sec. Molly Butler
Attachment 1: Sec. Report 2005
2005 AWMA Executive Board Meeting
Secretary’s Report
I. AWMA Member Clubsa. We have a current total of six member clubs
Attachment 2: Treas. Report 2005
Treasurer Report #1
AWMA Financial Statement
01/01/2005 Through 10/19/05
Category Description
AWMA Dues $3422.50
AWMA Scorebooks $490.00
Arizona Corporation Filing Fee $10.00
AWDF Dues $275.00
Bank Fees $41.50
IRS Taxes $251.25
Arizona Taxes $117.00
AWDF Scorebooks $105.00
FCI Donation $360.00
FMBB Team Entries/Uniforms $811.81
Postage $9.06
FMBB Dues $187.07
Website Hosting (2 years) $318.00
Submitted by: Treas. Cynthia Zimmerman
Treasurer Report #2
Account Balance: 10/19/05
Remaining 2005 Expenses
2005 AWMA Helper Hotel Rooms
2005 General Board Meeting Conference Call
$55.00 (+)
AWDF Dues (December)
Projected Balance: 12/05
(+) – Cost of conference call if over # of free minutes.
Submitted by: Treas. Cynthia Zimmerman
Attachment 3: Website Committee Report
Website Committee Report
The website committee has been in maintenance and infrastructure
building mode since early summer, as the existing site has been
brought current in terms of information and technology.
Large projects included migrating the online discussion forum to a new
server while installing a secure an up-to-date build of the forum
software, developing an electronic newsletter system for editor
Desiree Shaw that allows her to self-publish to a large extent, and
mirroring our current site to that same new server in preparation for
full migration to the new system. This server is much more robust than
the existing setup, and allows real management and securing of the
Smaller projects have included the development of a Judge's section on
the website, general "care and feeding" type tasks, and registration
of the domain workingmalinois.org (more appropriate for a non-profit
An unexpected project was the 2005 Nationals website maintenance,
which absorbed some of the time that was to be devoted to the club
website redesign project.
Moving forward, the committee hopes to begin the planning and
requirements gathering to begin the redesign project for an early 2006
Submitted by Website Committee Member and VP Jona Decker
Attachment 4: Bylaws Committee Report
Committee Report: Bylaws Committee
Committee formed Oct. 2005
Initial charge: Review bylaws, recommend sections for amendment and revision.
Preliminary Report
The Constitution and Bylaws of the AWMA were adapted from those of a much larger organization with a different outlook for their breed. According to Sturgis, bylaws for an organization should be concise, not contain provisions that could more easily be included in a policies and procedures document, and perhaps most important, should be custom-made for the organization. The by-laws committee strongly recommends that the General Board direct a thorough review of AWMA's constitution and bylaws to recommend amendments and major revisions for the 2006 General Board meeting. Some of the issues include:
• Provisions for breed surveys, conformation shows, and breed registry, and members appointed to a breed advisory committee.
• Current bylaws do not actually provide for any difference in direct admission to full member club status and upgrade from affiliate status.
• Language defining a quorum needs repair.
• Dates and deadlines should not be part of the bylaws, and are more appropriately be handled in a "policies & procedures" document.
• Active discussion and decision-making by the EB and GB could in limited circumstances be allowed by conference call, and even by use of text-based communication (e.g., e-mail, instant messaging, chat, etc.). Sturgis has specific recommendations for this, but also stipulates that by-laws should lay out what kinds of actions may be accomplished in this manner.
• Currently, we have no regions or Regional Directors, and RD's are charged with a fair amount of review and approval authority.
• The Director of Judges appears to hold an "officer-like" position, but there is no mention of how they are appointed or elected.
• Options should be explored for reducing the number of standing committees. Examples include the National Events/World Championship Committees.
Sturgis does have recommendations for mechanisms to completely revise bylaws. The case can easily be made that so much change is necessary that piecemeal repair (by amendment) will not be the most efficient means, nor will it result in the best document. The bylaws committee recommends using the revision option as the mechanism to address the above issues and any others recommended to us by the General Board. We look forward to the opportunity to work on your behalf to improve AWMA.
Submitted by: Warren Jones, By-Laws Committee Member and DAL
II. Roll callGlenn Stephenson conducted a roll call. The following persons were present:
In Person:
- Glenn Stephenson
- Anne Camper
- Cele Danner
- Hardy Ernsting
- Paul Konschak
- Joe Moldovan
- John Wiitanen
- Gregory Doud
- Christopher Smith
- Dana Miller
- Robert Miller
- Sabine Ernsting
- Carla Grayson
- Dre Hasting
- Dustain Vance
- Carrie Silva
- Ivan Balabanov
- Jason Scobbie
- Melissa Mason
- Kenneth Mason
- Cynthia Zimmerman
- Gerry Zimmerman
- Molly Butler
- Jona Decker
- Warren Jones
IV. Executive Committee Reports
- President's report - Glenn has appointed Les Flores, Mike Baker, Ivan Balabanov and Nathaniel Roque to direct the helper's program. The intent is to have AWMA helpers recognized in all AWDF organizations.
- VP and Secretary's reports were waived.
- Membership report - Anne reported that we have 132 members, up from 91 last year.
- Director of Judges - report waived
- Helper Committee – No Report
- Championship Committee – Christopher Smith, No Report
- Website committee - Jona to add what she said
- Sponsorship committee - Christopher Smith - has accumulated a list of potential donors and requested assistance/volunteers to make the contacts. Large contributions will be difficult without 501c status. Individuals volunteered and will be in contact with Chris.
- By-Laws Committee - Warren Jones - the committee recommends an overhaul of the existing by-laws since many components are not currently appropriate for the organization. He proposes that a motion be made under new business to authorize this.
- Ratify or elect president. Hardy Ernsting stated that he was willing to run for president. Glenn Stephenson was ratified.
- Ratify or elect vice-president. Jona was ratified without opposition.
- Directors at Large, elect two position. Hardy Ernsting, nominated by Sabine Ernsting; Ivan Balabanov nominated by Glenn Stephenson. Both were elected.
- World Championship Committee and National Event Committee - were joined together, four positions elected: Sabine Ernsting, nominated by Anne Camper; Tami Stephenson, nominated by Glenn Stephenson; Melissa Mason, nominated by Hardy Ernsting; Dana Miller, nominated by Glenn Stephenson. All were elected.
- Nominating Committee - Christopher Smith nominated by Dana Miller; Molly Butler nominated by Jona Decker; Gregory Doud nominated by Ivan Balabanov. All were elected.
- Judges Committee. Nathaniel Roque was appointed by Glenn. Cynthia Zimmerman was nominated by Sabine Ernsting. She was elected.
- Board of Inquiry - Dana Miller nominated by Christopher Smith; Kenny Mason nominated by Hardy Ernsting; John Wiitanen nominated by Christopher Smith. All were elected.
- Auditing Committee - Melissa Mason nominated by Christopher Smith; Gregory Doud nominated by Glenn Stephenson; Cele Danner nominated by Glenn Stephenson. All were elected.
- Sponsorship and support - Sabine Ernsting voiced several ideas about sales that could take place of donated equipment/supplies to support the club and the Nationals. Discussion ensued- want to ensure that this doesn't compete with the local club's raffles, etc. that are used to defray expenses for the Nationals. Discussion on assisting Christopher with the identified potential donors.
- 2006 Nationals. The Podium Club made a bid for the championships. Hardy Ernsting states that it would be in Charlestown, WV which is approximately 1.5 hr from several major airports. He has a stadium and a back-up stadium, approx. 700 acres of grass tracking, and hotels ranging form $55 - $155/night. Discussion was held on allowing 30 days response from other clubs who may wish to bid. Motion made by Jason Scobbie to have a post made to member clubs giving them 30 days to respond in writing. Motion carried. Hardy Ernsting asked if he would be required to respond or if his bid would stand. Christopher Smith moved to have Podium's bid stand as is with no need for them to respond to the post, and it passed. Warren Jones moved that if after 30 days there was another bid that the board could make a decision by email vote and it passed.
- Membership dues - Anne suggested that dues be raised, perhaps to $40 for individuals and $55 for families. Discussion indicated that this would be too much all at once. Christopher Smith moved that dues be $30 for individuals and $50 for families and it passed. Discussion ensued on late fees for late renewals. The consensus was that this would not be advisable at this time. Jason Scobbie talked about the possibility of lifetime memberships, but no action was taken.
- Breed Test - Glenn explained why there was no demonstration of the test at this Nationals; Michael Ellis had other obligations and couldn't make it. Discussion ensued on test as previously published. Hardy Ernsting wanted the listing of hip ratings to be required rather than suggested. Christopher Smith stated that this was not like the DMC test. Discussion ensued, and Glenn suggested that this be handled by a committee. Ivan Balabanov recommended that breeder input be included. Warren Jones suggested that there be a new committee established to replace the one currently in the by-laws to discuss the Breeding Suitability Test and the recognition of ring titles. The committee will be Michael Ellis, Christopher Smith, Hardy Ernsting, and Ivan Balabanov.
- Ring Sports in AWMA - this was brought up by Glenn so it stayed on the table. Christopher Smith thought that NARA wouldn't go for it, and Ivan commented that there is already a separate Mondio club.
- Merchandise was combined with Paypal discussion. The topic of using Paypal was brought up to the general board. The executive board had already decided this was a good idea. The general board agreed and this will be pursued and implemented. Jason Scobbie brought up Cafe Press (spelled right??) and how this could be linked to the website for purchases as well.
- 501c status - There was discussion on how this would be beneficial to the club. AWDF hired an attorney to do this. Jason Scobbie said he would contribute financially to getting this done. There was a question of whether a member was a lawyer. Anne Camper will send out a general email asking for help. Cynthia Zimmerman will check on costs.
- Newsletter - everyone was encouraged to send information to Desiree Shaw for inclusion in the newsletter.
- Clubs, etc. As part of the new by-laws, there will be a better description of expectations for local clubs. Anne Camper will find some model by-laws for their use.
- Other new business - Warren Jones moved that the general board give the By-Laws Committee the authorization to revise the by-laws and it passed.
- Molly moved to accept High Mesa Malinois as a new affiliate member club. Motion passed.
Regions and directors - Mike Baker wants a membership list to set up regions. There was some discussion as to why regions were important, and the major reason is so that members who do not have a local club have representation. Anne will put together the list and help with by-laws. Discussion was held on how local clubs can afford dual insurance premiums since many are already USA or DVG clubs. Hardy Ernsting described how Podium has an umbrella club that covers all their breed clubs.
VIII. AdjournmentChristopher Smith adjourned the meeting
Minutes submitted by: Molly Butler
Minutes approved by:
AWMA Sec. Molly Butler
Attachment 1: Sec. Report 2005
2005 AWMA Executive Board Meeting
Secretary’s Report
I. AWMA Member Clubsa. We have a current total of six member clubs
- Spirit Working Dog Club (04/03)
- Kentuckiana Working Malinois Association (02/03)
- Cascade Belgian Shepherd Working Dog Club (01/03)
- TCT Working Dog Association (11/04)
- Podium Belgian Shepherd Working Dog Club (7/05)
- Atlanta Working Dogs (08/05)
- 21 Scorebook Sales
- 26 Scorebook Sales so far
Attachment 2: Treas. Report 2005
Treasurer Report #1
AWMA Financial Statement
01/01/2005 Through 10/19/05
Category Description
AWMA Dues $3422.50
AWMA Scorebooks $490.00
Arizona Corporation Filing Fee $10.00
AWDF Dues $275.00
Bank Fees $41.50
IRS Taxes $251.25
Arizona Taxes $117.00
AWDF Scorebooks $105.00
FCI Donation $360.00
FMBB Team Entries/Uniforms $811.81
Postage $9.06
FMBB Dues $187.07
Website Hosting (2 years) $318.00
Submitted by: Treas. Cynthia Zimmerman
Treasurer Report #2
Account Balance: 10/19/05
Remaining 2005 Expenses
2005 AWMA Helper Hotel Rooms
2005 General Board Meeting Conference Call
$55.00 (+)
AWDF Dues (December)
Projected Balance: 12/05
(+) – Cost of conference call if over # of free minutes.
Submitted by: Treas. Cynthia Zimmerman
Attachment 3: Website Committee Report
Website Committee Report
The website committee has been in maintenance and infrastructure
building mode since early summer, as the existing site has been
brought current in terms of information and technology.
Large projects included migrating the online discussion forum to a new
server while installing a secure an up-to-date build of the forum
software, developing an electronic newsletter system for editor
Desiree Shaw that allows her to self-publish to a large extent, and
mirroring our current site to that same new server in preparation for
full migration to the new system. This server is much more robust than
the existing setup, and allows real management and securing of the
Smaller projects have included the development of a Judge's section on
the website, general "care and feeding" type tasks, and registration
of the domain workingmalinois.org (more appropriate for a non-profit
An unexpected project was the 2005 Nationals website maintenance,
which absorbed some of the time that was to be devoted to the club
website redesign project.
Moving forward, the committee hopes to begin the planning and
requirements gathering to begin the redesign project for an early 2006
Submitted by Website Committee Member and VP Jona Decker
Attachment 4: Bylaws Committee Report
Committee Report: Bylaws Committee
Committee formed Oct. 2005
Initial charge: Review bylaws, recommend sections for amendment and revision.
Preliminary Report
The Constitution and Bylaws of the AWMA were adapted from those of a much larger organization with a different outlook for their breed. According to Sturgis, bylaws for an organization should be concise, not contain provisions that could more easily be included in a policies and procedures document, and perhaps most important, should be custom-made for the organization. The by-laws committee strongly recommends that the General Board direct a thorough review of AWMA's constitution and bylaws to recommend amendments and major revisions for the 2006 General Board meeting. Some of the issues include:
• Provisions for breed surveys, conformation shows, and breed registry, and members appointed to a breed advisory committee.
• Current bylaws do not actually provide for any difference in direct admission to full member club status and upgrade from affiliate status.
• Language defining a quorum needs repair.
• Dates and deadlines should not be part of the bylaws, and are more appropriately be handled in a "policies & procedures" document.
• Active discussion and decision-making by the EB and GB could in limited circumstances be allowed by conference call, and even by use of text-based communication (e.g., e-mail, instant messaging, chat, etc.). Sturgis has specific recommendations for this, but also stipulates that by-laws should lay out what kinds of actions may be accomplished in this manner.
• Currently, we have no regions or Regional Directors, and RD's are charged with a fair amount of review and approval authority.
• The Director of Judges appears to hold an "officer-like" position, but there is no mention of how they are appointed or elected.
• Options should be explored for reducing the number of standing committees. Examples include the National Events/World Championship Committees.
Sturgis does have recommendations for mechanisms to completely revise bylaws. The case can easily be made that so much change is necessary that piecemeal repair (by amendment) will not be the most efficient means, nor will it result in the best document. The bylaws committee recommends using the revision option as the mechanism to address the above issues and any others recommended to us by the General Board. We look forward to the opportunity to work on your behalf to improve AWMA.
Submitted by: Warren Jones, By-Laws Committee Member and DAL